NMS HOT POST 2023/07/14

How to deal with Sentinels

I apologize if this is a question asked a million times before and if I should delete the post just let me know where to ask my question. I searched and looked around and couldn't find a proper place but reddit isn't the best place to search things.

I am not a brand brand new player (around 80 hours) but still have a lot to go in a lot of things in the game. One thing that already puzzled me in my first playthrough and it's doing so again is sentinels. The first time around I mostly just avoided anything that has to do with them but now I am trying to explore the game a bit more.

  • How do you deal with these things? If I get targeted by them I just get swarmed with endless waves and even if I manage to fly out to space the same thing repeats with interceptors until I slowly manage to make my way back to the space station. Is there any way to make the waves stop?

  • Sometimes they just stare at me but sometimes they go immediately aggro. What's triggering them? I am not completely sure.

  • If they aggro me, should I not kill them to avoid reinforcements / stronger sentinels arriving me?

Thanks everyone!

Edit: Thanks everyone for the detailed and kind answers!! Safe travels

submitted by /u/notsoobviousreddit
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


All discovery names on Expedition progression systems should be locked.

Not sure why this isn’t already a thing. Systems and planets are already like this, so it’s clear that Hello Games has the ability to do this. These are already done this way to (probably) stop people from naming these larger systems into something offensive.

But based on the past few expeditions, it’s become increasingly clear that people won’t use this system to make fun or funny names for things and instead will choose to name commonly found resources or creatures into things that are political or offensive.

I don’t think specific words need to be locked or anything. If I found one of these discoveries in the normal mode then I can just move on. But, expeditions (especially the last one) force you to interact and see the discoveries of other players for much longer periods of time compared to other parts of the game.

Having all discoveries on necessary progression systems (starting places, rendezvous points, etc) be pre-discovered by Hello Games eliminates any need for them to ban any names and still lets people name random systems whatever they want. I’d imagine this would also drastically cut down on reports sent to HG. For the most part everyone wins by doing this. People can still name random systems whatever they want, HG doesn’t have to deal with a bunch of reports, and people can play their space game without political and offensive names being shoved down their throat.

submitted by /u/gravendoom75
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I've only hopped galaxies once. Does one to recollect glyphs?

A few years ago I finished a few of the storylines (I’m pretty sure that Atlas and I came to an agreement) and I ended up with all 16 glyphs then. I travelled to the 2nd galaxy, found my ship, then logged off. Haven’t been back to that save since. If I logged in would I have to get 16 new glyphs? Like, I think the symbols are all the same but would I have to collect them again?

submitted by /u/dotplaid
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続きを読む シェア

New Player Here. Got gifted ~250 million Units in the Anomaly on my first visit to it. Wondering wha...

The title is what happened. I discovered the anomaly, was meeting all of the iterations, and then I saw some fellow Travelers and I started using finger gun emotes and jumping around. One of them said some stuff in Cyrillic that I didn’t understand and then filled my inventory with items that were worth more than 1000x my total earnings at that point.

I’ve played enough games like this to know that the struggle to survive and build your own equipment and base is kind of the point. So I haven’t sold anything — I just put it all in storage and have been playing as if I didn’t have it. Figured I would ask you all if you have any advice.

Is there anything you WOULD recommend spending it on? Maybe an annoying and non-immersive part of the new player experience that I can circumvent with a Scrooge McDuck swimming pool of money?

submitted by /u/Commander_Tresdin
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