
Supergriefer Returns

Today was yet another day for the Unlaid Brigade to pop in and start blowing holes in me, despite my game being set to “no PVP.”

Same scenario as usual: I’m working on my base (Euclid galaxy, planet “Walkadj Beta,” near the “Ealpha Base” featured in the Anomaly) and suddenly a rookie griefer pops in and starts trying the “Neutron Cannon” trick. I wasn’t taking direct or splash damage, so I let him finish his tantrum till his mom called him to feed his pet rat or whatever.

The NEXT crotchsniffer, however, had an interesting trick. Suddenly I’m taking purple weapons fire inside my base, and NMS is yelping about “heat damage detected!” There was no one near me that I could see; it sounded like fire from a ship.

I have a series of teleports set up for just this lame situation; in a few seconds and six teleports later, I was nowhere NEAR where I was, and underground, to boot. No way could anyone track me without a search.


The entire time I was hopping from one teleport to another, the weapons fire was on me the whole time. So, of course, I croaked. (This has to be a mod they sell to those underloved dudes who think Hot Pockets is a food group.)

So be aware: whatever trick these attention-monkeys are using, it doesn’t require line of sight. Or any skill whatsoever. (I hope you enjoyed your lil stiffie when you punched my clock, Flubber.)

For the record, I was able to grab a screenshot of this giggling feminine hygeine product. Or his gamer tag, at least. To the surprise of no one, his actual handle is “NMS Griefer.” On Xbox, I think? His icon is in my pic. He spends a lotta time on Walkadj Beta, taking people out and pawing at himself, I’m assuming.

I blocked and reported, of course, but man– these mods gotta go. It takes a special kinda “lame” to be douchey enough to ruin such a chill game.


submitted by /u/PizzaRohz
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I don't know what sorcery they did, but stability on Switch is WAY up

I kept statistic on my crash rate with the game for the past month and it was a very consisted crash every 3.6 hours on average. I have now played more than 20 hours between yesterday and today and seen one crash that just came at the very end of my play session. Including leaving the game running during breaks it went for nearly 14 straight hours, and passed through several “crash zones” that were literally certain to cause crashes just a couple days ago, like dogfighting right next to a planet. It finally crashed as I entered the bridge of my freighter, which I had done several times already without issue. This was maybe the 7th or 8th and it finally went, and I could feel the frames dropping so I expected it.

Whatever they did it’s a miracle improvement.

submitted by /u/AcidOverlord
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Why is building with small panels and half ramps complete trash?

Why is building with small panels and half ramps complete trash?

I find the building system in No Mans Sky is generally pretty good. A bit shonky with pieces suddenly snapping to a different location as you build them. Generally fine though and not too annoying.

Half ramps and small panels though. What the hell went wrong? They don’t snap to anything, they don’t rotate properly, they only snap in stupid orientations (see picture). I’m aware free placement exists but I don’t get why the auto-snapping was released in such an absolute garbage state. Feels like they are so buggy and next to unusable. Makes me rage.

Anyone else or just me?

Edit: Actually add picture


submitted by /u/MegaHamster77
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NEXT PATCH 1.55 | 日本語パッチノート

BUG FIXES UIのメモリリークを修正しました。 貨物船との衝突を修正 特定の惑星に影響を与えたクラッシュを修正 借用されたExocraftでレーストラックを作成中に発生する可能性のあるクラッシュを修正しました 全体的な安定性を向上させるためのテクスチャメモリ使用量の削減 プレイヤーがThe Purgeミッションで立ち往生する問題を修正しました ゴースト・オブ・ザ・マシーンのミッションでプレイヤーが詰まってしまう問題を修正しました。 マインド・アークで復帰している間にプレイヤーが間違ったミッションを受け取る問…

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Runaway Mould Theft!

Stupid question: If I stumble across someone’s base and take their runaway mould, if they were to show up 5 minutes later, can they still harvest what should be there, or have I forced them to wait for it to respawn?

I ask because while checking out someone’s base I saw that they had a healthy collection of mould balls, but I don’t want to take what’s theirs if that means they get screwed.


submitted by /u/2_dam_hi
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