NMS HOT POST 2023/03/4

I love this build so much.. and getting to build alongside friends made it even better! The inspiration behind this build was my character art that I made a few months back 😊❤️ The other is my friend’s build on the same computer. I had so much fun with this project!


Things we've lost over the years.

I’ll go first… these are things I personally miss the most:

-Pre-order ships along with their unique tech

-Building on Freigher Bridges

-Truly alien terrain generation

-Random sound effects: distorted Morse code signals while flying near NPC freighters and alarm bells on personal freighter bridges

-Old-style Exocraft Teleporter on freighter

-Base Mainframes

-Rust textures for certain base parts

submitted by /u/meat-juice
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PSA - You can collect many buried items from the surface (Cargo Pods, Ancient Bones, Salvaged Data a...

Many already know this but I also see enough posts talking about using the Terrain Manipulator to think this post could help out at least a handful of new Travellers.

Just stand in the correct spot and look down, use the Scanner to stand right above it, the option to hold your system’s button to interact should appear. Least obvious to me where crashed freighter cargo containers. It’s unusual I don’t have to do any digging to access them. I was pulling everything else from the surface for weeks before I realized I could also do cargo pods.

FYI – I haven’t tested this out underwater

On the other hand – the most common time I see people forget to use the Terrain Manipulator is when their objective is in the Ocean – If you swim there, build a platform you can call your ship to, remember to change the size of the block to the max size, it will make making the platform easier/quicker. Way quicker than swimming 800u+ back to your ship.

submitted by /u/CopyPasteMalfunction
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Are you happy with current procedural generation?

To start with, I’ve been playing since the release, I love nms dearly. It was an hard pill to swallow for me to accept the game kind of gets boring. I love exploring and I don’t dwell much on the base building, trading aspects of the game. As such the game right now doesn’t really make me want to explore to be honest.

Just wanted to know if any of you feel the same or am I just too much focused on this?

submitted by /u/Dubito-Cogito
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Freighter Spawn Help

I know you need to have 3 in game hours and jump 5x to trigger a space battle. (I have 76hrs) Why won’t one spawn? What are the pre requisites? (E.g. active missions/inactive missions/bugs) I can’t get one to spawn at all. I don’t know what I’m doing…

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