NMS HOT POST 2023/09/6

Hello games did an awesome job at updating this game

I am one of the people who bought the game close to release and was pretty disappointed. Even though I really liked the idea of the game. But back then it felt (and was) simply unfinished. So I put the game to the side and forgot about it … a loooong time.

Fast forward 6 years. Remembered of the game and knew that I read about the many many patches and additions the game had over the years and holy shit …

I almost couldn’t recognize it to the version I was playing on release. It’s beautiful, many of the planets are really cool and different from each other and holy cow there is so much to do. Base building , quests , the anomaly, freighters and so on. I am sure I don’t even know/found half the things yet 😂

Having a really good time and finally can enjoy the game I envisioned in my head so long ago.

I wish more publishers would put that much love in there games for such a long time. (Although I didn’t forget the empty promises on release 😉)

It’s awesome to be back and enjoy it with you guys. Thanks hello games

submitted by /u/w1ckedzocki
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


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