NMS HOT POST 2023/10/24

Hello. I found a beautifull planet, built a base there and it asks badly for neighbours now. <3


What are you currently working towards in No Man's Sky?

I find myself a little aimless playing thesedays with all quests finished and after getting all the units and upgrades I wanted. I’m wondering how you guys are playing the game and where you are finding the most fun. Are you working on building a specific base idea? Collecting quicksilver or nanites? Beating up sentinels? Exploring new systems for paradise planets?

I’ve been mostly looking for paradise planets that look nice from space and on the ground itself, and with no night cycle. Using the freighter and just constantly warping and using the freighter’s planet scanner to check the planets. It does get old after awhile, though.

submitted by /u/idratherlurk
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