NMS HOT POST 2023/11/22

Thanks to a random NMS-Player

Thanks to a random NMS-Player

Someone in the anomaly just gave me this and a bit other nice stuff. I didn't notice at first that you transmitted me fricking 600 million units. I just know you play on Xbox and are probably french. So thank you. (I hope you see this).

Is this a common thing in No Man's Sky?

submitted by /u/Zippo156
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Will I enjoy No Man's Sky in 2023 when I love single player story driven RPGs?

Haven’t player No Man’s Sky before, and I’m not into survival games. Subnautica is not my thing. I do love games like Skyrim, Cyberpunk and Witcher 3, but also space combat sims like Everspace 2, traditional X-Wing and Tie Fighter, Star Wars Squadrons, etc. I actually loved Starlink Battle For Atlas and I thought it looked like No Man’s Sky lite, although I never played NMS before.

I’m open to new experiences and love to let a game surprise me. I always was afraid of MMO’s but gave Elder Scrolls Online a chance and loved it, albeit only the single player story experience 🙂

It’s on Xbox Game Pass, which I have. So I wonder: will I enjoy this game? And if so, do you have any advice on how to get invested in any main campaign? Thanks!

submitted by /u/oxelhare
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Nearly 100 panoramic images from 6-1/2 years of playing No Man's Sky

Nearly 100 panoramic images from 6-1/2 years of playing No Man's Sky

Under the Rings (Frontiers)

I started with No Man’s Sky in 2016 when it launched on Steam and I was immediately captivated by how beautiful it was. But as an amateur photographer who does a lot of panoramic photography, it also occurred to me how well suited the game was to the same treatment. The result is my Flickr album with nearly 100 panoramic images from the 6-1/2 years I’ve been playing. (Posted as a Flickr Album because of sheer quantity, and because Reddit doesn’t lend itself to wide-aspect photos).

I started creating panoramic images from the game that first week. It was a lot harder in the early days: there was no photo mode so things kept moving while you shot each frame, you couldn’t disable the scan lines or vignetting, you couldn’t adjust the lighting or time of day, and placing your ship precisely was next to impossible. It’s gotten a lot easier over the years.

Most of the images are stitched together from between 20 and 30 individual frames, and then cropped to frame. Most end up between about 5 and 6k wide.

I’ve been doing it off and on. Most of my panos are from NEXT and earlier, and then from Prisms and beyond (I took a pause form the game between Visions and Origins, so there are gaps). And I have a number of sequences that I never got around to assembling.

Land Snakes (Atlas Rises)

Big, Boxy, and Beautiful (Release)

submitted by /u/SkySchemer
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