NMS HOT POST 2024/02/2

This can be done.

This can be done.

If anyone was wondering just how far down the "runway" you can go on foot in a Space Station; here you go.

It was one of those with 2 sections between the mouth and the docking area. For kicks & curiosity, I wanted to see just how far the game would let me get. Interestingly, once I got to about the halfway point, ships stopped showing up.

submitted by /u/BrushMelodic
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Unsolicited opinion on how to make NMS better: Improve the galaxy map & my sense of place

Take this with a huge grain of salt, because I come from Elite Dangerous as well as a few other space games (which I no longer really play).

While I agree NMS has its own emphasis (on base building, survival) and is not fair to compare to sim-like games (Elite, Star Citizen, etc).

One thing that has always bothered me, is the vastness of the galaxy in NMS, but I have no (or little) sense of place in the galaxy, and no “sandbox reason” to plot a particular course (other than maybe one mission sending me a hop away, or one of the general story lines automating my pathway). Additionally, I despise the UI and interactions of the galaxy map.. simply selecting a place to go, understanding its direction etc… I find it awkward and confusing.

If I’m playing it wrong, or just missing some details, so be it, I’m happy to hear suggestions.

My suggestion:

Allow for zooming out and interactions with the map that make me more positionally aware, allow me to bookmark better on the actual map (rather than just list of teleport spots from a teleport). Have the galaxy map sliced into named regions. Have economies, resources, mission types, rare items, compel me to explore and travel bigger distances and custom plot paths.. Basically anything that gives more purpose to where I am relative to my position in the whole galaxy (beyond just heading towards the center). (I understand that certain system types are more likely to have thing X, or Y… but it feels so random and always a jump away, still no reason to explore in the way that seems fulfilling to me)

No matter how enormous the galaxy is, it’s kind of irrelevant to me if I don’t actually care where I am (which in today’s NMS I really don’t), and don’t have more reasons to plot pathways to known areas.

submitted by /u/cmndr_spanky
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Ship building

I wish they would let us own a space station… like finding one of the abandoned ones and converting it into a ship building warehouse where we can strip ships down into parts: Engine, cockpit, wings, solorsails, thrusters etc., then mix and match tho…

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I (150hrs) am moving in with my boyfriend (15hrs), and we need some help

I’m obsessed with this game but I don’t usually play multi-player games so am a bit dumb. Now me and my boyfriend want to play together but we have some questions.

  1. What is the best way for him to meet me at my base, like how does he get there the first time? He doesn’t have all his glyphs unlocked yet (still far from it).

  2. How can he access the items in my storage containers?

  3. Can I gift him one of my ships?

submitted by /u/MrJimLiquorLahey
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Just lost my 52 hour extreme mode save

As title says, I was playing my 52 hour extreme mode save, in Wich I had an S ship, an S sentinel freighter, and was looking for a living ship. And when I finally arrived at the planet in Wich you look for the souls, as soon as I get out of my ship, I got killed by a random guy in a ship, so if you’re reading this, thanks for ruining my save. I remind you that killing players doesn’t reward you.

submitted by /u/Brnc159
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