
Update Wishlist: Functioning Star Systems

By now, a lot of the original promises for NMS have come true, and we are even getting new features that we haven’t dreamt of at release. However, there is still a fundamental gameplay element that’s missing. We need real physical stars, with planets oribitng around them. It’s so weird playing a space game in which stars are a skybox.

  • Functioning orbits would add a lot of realism. I am convinced that this one change would make space travel a lot more visceral and enjoyable in the game.
  • Imagine the potential for gameplay elements, like solar ships gaining speed near the star, or lore potential, with space megafauna being more common near the stars, etc.
  • It would also allow adding asteroid belts orbiting stars like our Kuiper belt, instead of asteroids being spread throughout.

    I am curious to hear what are your ideas for gameplay mechanics, lore, and content that could be made possible by adding physical stars with functioning orbits into the game.

submitted by /u/adhoc42
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What is there to do in NMS late game?

I have about 120 hours in the game, and I’ve gotten really bored. I’ve built all the exocraft, maxed a few S class ships, got all the tech for my suit, and got a freighter. I’ve built an AI farm (which got nerfed sadly) and completed the main story.

I’ve just completely run out of things to do. The whole game is slowing down and feeling more grindy, and the new update only added a <5 hour expedition for me to do.

What do you do in this game when you’re bored?

submitted by /u/Oheligud
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