
Crazy high naturally occurring spike.!

Crazy high naturally occurring spike.!

I found this insane spike / mountain in NMS. I’m not the greatest base builder, so if any real builders have any cool ideas or inspiration for something, I’d be happy to relinquish the base, Or maybe some teamwork?

Extreme weather planet though, so makes for some tough building.

DM if you’re interested! Planet might have more than one, as well. We can investigate.

submitted by /u/Available_Reporter_9
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I need to talk about the ending of the "Prayers to the Machine" questline

I just finished the “Prayers to the Machine” questline last night and I’d really want to debate some of the more philosophical and theological aspects of this game.

Because boy, does this game run deep.

(Don’t read this post if you just started the game and don’t want spoilers.)

So we know by now that the entire ingame universe of No Man’s Sky is a simulation, run by The Atlas. Some consider the Atlas to be a God. After all, it created the universe and seems to have full control over everything. Except it doesn’t. And the Atlas isn’t a God. It’s an artificial intelligence that might think it’s a God and it seems to be going quite mad because it seems to be sensing its impending death within 16 seconds, minutes, hours or whatever.

Personally, I think this is brilliant and strangely relatable. I personally believe in God, but I struggle with the concept of God as an emotional benevolent entity. I’ve always figured that if God is eternal and loving, He would go mad from the emotional strain. Still, I try.

At the ending of the autophage quest, there were two screens that really caught me in terms of philosophical and theological depths:

(I apologize for the phone-screenshot… screenshotting seems to crash my pc these days…)

When the confrontation with the Atlas culminated into this, I thought: yes, this is it! Information as immortality. One of the core aspects of Reformational philosophy (as I’ve understood it) is that we are known to God: God knows and loves us and this knowledge makes our lives eternal. We cannot be erased, even if we don’t know God.


Another aspect of the Autophage that I really love is how they are fundamental rejects, but return as a sort of saviors and givers of new hope and friendship. There is hope because whatever was destroyed can be rebuild.

I just thought it was really, really awesome that as a player we can give the Atlas hope. Maybe that’s our purpose as humans: wonder, explore, in the deep conviction that there’s always more beauty than we can ever imagine.

submitted by /u/talescaper
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Colossus interior

Long ago, the first time I came across one I made my mission to get it as soon as possible and to build my mobile base on wheels. The instant I did, I discovered no interior, no decorations and no mobile home. At that moment, my disappointment wa…

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NMS Megathread for Q&A, Item Requests/Giveaways and Friend Requests, etc. Whatever you need, thi...

Hey Everyone,

This is a Megathread for all the people of the sub. If you have questions, Ask away. If you need anything just ask. This is uniform thread where you can ask for pretty much anything (from Questions to Nip Nip) that will be live 24/7 all year around and refreshed every couple of days.

This Megathread is closely monitored by me so if you have a question that no one has answered, don’t worry I will personally get back to you in a reasonable time. I will always be keeping a close eye so no naughty business please.

To make things little bit easier if you could help us make distinction between type of posts that would be great, Which brings us too ….


– *Do not put bug reports in this thread.* There is a Bug-Thread pinned to the top of the sub that should be used for them.

– If you are asking a questions please post your question like so : [Question] …. Your Post ….

– If you are requesting something an item, money, etc. please post like so : [Request] …. Your post ….

– If you are offering an item of doing a giveaways (in game items only), user: [Giveaway] …. Your post ….

– Please do not post your friend code in your post. PM/DM them to the person who is helping you. It will prevent people trolling and griefing your saves.

Helpful Links:

– If you need a specific ship, Multitool, Freighter, Frigates or anything a specific color or kind please check out our friends at r/NMSGlyphExchange. They also have a variety of different guides from Freighters to Multitool so if you need help with acquiring something, head right on over there.

– If you are looking for a ride to Anywhere in NMS, Please reach out to our friends at Pangalactic Starcabs, Pangalactic Starcabs is a Volunteer Service, Cabbie Availability may vary!

– If you are Looking for all 16 glyphs on one planet, You can find them in this Guide

And as always, please be civil, be kind and be helpful.

Please Follow all the Sub and Post rules and Thank you all so much!

submitted by /u/Minetitan
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