
Took a different ship to be scrapped and it scrapped my main ship

I’m absolutely gutted and I’m pretty sure there’s nothing I can do about it, managed to find a lovely A class solar ship, I’ve spent insane amounts of time and resources upgrading almost everything to S class, I took a different B class solar ship to a space station to scrap, my main ship I left on my freighter, I scrapped the ship, sold the scrap and then noticed the ship I had brought to be scrapped was still in the hanger, I then stupidly flew it back to my freighter wondering if it was a weird glitch or something forgetting not thinking that it would have scrapped my main ship and then when I got back to the main ship and saw my main ship wasn’t there I realised it had been scrapped instead. Honestly I’m very overtired so particularly emotional, but I’ve cried over it, I tried reloading the saves, would have been willing to go back hours but there was only autosaves. Absolutely hours of work and grinding plus the luck of finding a ship I love for nothing. This is my first time playing too. Just needed to share my woe with other people who would understand how sucky this is.

submitted by /u/Opening_Objective642
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The "Glorious" Return

Hello to all of my fellow space-faring specimens, hope you all are well today 🙂

Just started back again and I’m looking for any help in the folowing:

Portal glyphs(have 2/16)

Bare essential buidling mats to take with me for a base(mat breakdown)

Not so obvious trade routes for illegal goods(I’m only netting like 3% profit)

My end goal of course is to go to another galaxy. I’m thinking of a harsh as I have some repair kits saved up for the damaging journey, I’m just wanting a living ship/frigate atlas frigate, and a tentacle ship

submitted by /u/Dmplex
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Hyperdrive range for your personal ship

So I’m blazing, chilling with my kitty while she sleeps you know like any God fearing man would be doing. Anyways what’s your maximum hyperdrive range for your starship. Mine is 1163.8 on my explorer ship I think it’s called? Just curious if that’s consider good for this ship or do I need to lay off the cannabis and get serious Edit: thanks to yall I definitely need to step up my shit, I play on xbox sadly and I gotta start work after new years so I thought I’d get input from the community, love you and I’m gonna hit this bong for you guys

submitted by /u/GeniesHaze
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100 hours on the Nintendo Switch version of No Man's Sky, my thoughts.

Firstly I’ve have got to admit I have a long history with Elite, played the original in 84, spent about four years playing Frontier: Elite II on the Amiga and currently playing Elite Dangerous on a Series X.

I briefly played the PS4 version of NMS for an hour and got a refund.

Anyway, I’ve been playing the Switch version mode in TV mode and handheld mode, everything’s been generally good! Super impressed with the performance, I’m over 100 hours in and have experienced minor issues with a couple of softlocks and lag on a few occasions (in areas of lots things being drawn to the screen at once).

I’ve got everything down in terms of game logic and progess, although things are a bit confusing at the start, but follow the tutorial (story) for a while and you soon get to grips with the absolute mountain of content this game has been updated with since release (all free).

I find the interaction with the npc characters and the delivery of the story quite refreshing, interesting concept and very broad considering this is a huge procedurally generated game world.

Graphics are fairly solid, if a bit low poly and “okay” textures, draw distance is a bit limited but there’s a lot going on here so there’s gotta be sacrifices for performance.

Sound effects are good and the soundtrack is suited to the games setting, it nicey adapts to whats going on the screen… a lot the tunes are pretty chill, feels almost like minecraft sometimes.

Referencing the old school, I would give this 92%

Edit: I have no idea of how well I’m doing but I’ve got plenty of money and a few basic farms running. A nice exotic S class ship and my frigates are running missions. I quickly became confident enough to ignore the quests and just focused on exploring and making money. Like minecraft in a way, i grind, build and gather resources.

submitted by /u/winguardianleveyosa
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NMS really needs to update the flight mechanics.

If you’ve ever played star citizen then you might agree. Star citizen completely blows NMS out of the water in terms of ship flight. There are many things NMS could do such as, allow for complete stops and not just a constant idle speed. Allow decoupled mode as in star citizen to allow for more maneuvers in zero gravity. Personally when I’m fighting pirates I just sit in one spot and tank them until they’re all taken out. There is no point to even trying to move while fighting them.

This is my biggest issue in the game, the flight is totally outdated. I play on steam now but still have my original pre ordered ps4 copy. Love the game but I would really enjoy this being the next big update. I dont think anything else could improve the game more than this would.

submitted by /u/CBRady600F4i
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I've only hopped galaxies once. Does one to recollect glyphs?

A few years ago I finished a few of the storylines (I’m pretty sure that Atlas and I came to an agreement) and I ended up with all 16 glyphs then. I travelled to the 2nd galaxy, found my ship, then logged off. Haven’t been back to that save since. If I logged in would I have to get 16 new glyphs? Like, I think the symbols are all the same but would I have to collect them again?

submitted by /u/dotplaid
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