
Acts of Piracy

I’m new to the game after being away for a long time. I’m really enjoying myself and taking it slow to really understand game mechanics and enjoy the journey. When shooting meteors in space for tritium, gold, etc. I keep accidentally shooting other ships passing by. This creates an “act of piracy” which lowers my standing (not sure what the implications of this are) and then calls sentinel ships in that shoot at me. Is there a way to avoid this or let the ship know I shot them by accident? It’s obnoxious and screwing with my chill exploration vibe.

submitted by /u/Dangerous_Spring_323
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Welcome to the new daily Q&A thread for NMSTG! You can now drop a question, provide answers or j...

Below are a few popular questions that we’ve received from our past FAQ thread. As always we ask that everyone be respectful and we welcome everyone’s contribution so have fun!

Q- I’m keen to start a new passive money making pursuit. What are some good ideas or guides post-Waypoint?

A#1-Gold farm, then take that stack and sell it at a terminal (not traders) in systems that sell gold. Sell all your gold to the terminal and crash the economy. Then buy it all back at 80% off discount. You just got free money and keep all the gold. All this takes is an initial investment on a gold farm, then you carry all that gold with you and just sell/buy back when you get to another system that sells gold. With 50 stacks in my ship’s cargo hold, I can make somewhere around 150 million units in each system I do this in.

A#2-Start a Farm, Fusion Igniters or Statis Devices Farm which will increase your profits to 100- 200 mil fairly quickly and you can even send out multiple freighter missions which will help you get aronium, magno-gold, Enriched carbon and more which will increase the profits even more.

A#3-Quickest way I’ve found to make a TON of units: Harvesting Storm Crystals. Find a VERY hot planet that has frequent fire storms. DURING STORMS ONLY – you can see the bright white light from Storm Crystals if you fly around low enough. Fly to them, land, quickly harvest them, get back in your ship and fly to the next before you burn up.

Q-How do I get the Advanced Mining Laser? I don’t have the option to craft one, and the multi-tool upgrade vendor at the space station doesn’t have the blueprint for sale.

A-In order to get it, you have to look for the blueprints in crashed ships or abandoned facilities. You get it from the main story (awakenings) or you can buy it on the anomaly.

Q-What do I actually do in the game? I finished the tutorial, is there anything else beside gathering stuff, building a base and repeat?

A#1-It’s really whatever you want, there’s a base story, (assuming you haven’t completed it already), follow the quest log and you’ll figure it out, but things You’d want to do for end game? You can collect multiple multitools, ships, built a fleet for your freighter, etc.

Q-Is there a planet that is populated by many players, and they built their base close to each others like a city?

A- Yeah its the Galactic Hub Project, Its a place where many people have bases and each day the numbers grow. Please help yourself. There are many factions in NMS that do this, even NMS Pirates Hub.

Q-I’m still pretty early into the game, just making my way to the center of the galaxy, what should I be spending my credits on?

A-Go hang around a outlaw/pirate trading post. Cheapest S-class start at around 8-8.5 million without a trade-in. I recommend Vikeen pirate, as then you have two good and 1 remote chances at high-maneuverability S-class: fighter, solar, exotic.

submitted by /u/liftheavy2003
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Home ✌️

Built this on an xbox and came to visit on a pc, gotta say it looks a lot better than i expected! Everything needed, all in one nice open space, even got the church of Ja and a small nightclub with music! submitted by /u/StretchedPa…

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I'm loving this game, but...

It really needs some sort of “stop being so annoying” cleanup. Just QoL things, like being able to make more adjustments to the HUD. I’d love to be able to move around where messages appear, or even turn off my active quests entirely when I’m not pursuing one at the moment. Or maybe just having it stop randomly cycling through my quests when I AM working on one? Please? And stop telling me about my planetary chart. I know! I’m busy! I’ll get to it!

It’d also be nice to have the ability to look at multiple owned ships and multitools at once. Like a “garage” building that lets you compare the things you own. It could also serve as a way to repair broken ships, maybe? Because once you can afford to do so fixing broken ships is lucrative, but it is a giant hassle clicking every square and clicking every box in that square. Maybe the garage could be set to just repair the ship automatically over time, spending the resources automatically if they’re in storage. I wouldn’t mind just coming back later to pick up the repaired ship to keep or sell.

Oh, and could we please have the ability to hand off multiple relics at once? It doesn’t take long, but it feels silly and unnecessarily annoying to have to talk to the same guy 5 times and give him a single item every time. Just take all these, share with your friends.

Once I have the matter beam the ability to quick transfer to storage would be amazing as well. It only seems to work when pulling from the refiner and stellar core on my freighter right now?

The ability to name save points! And see a list of them somewhere, as well as the ability “forget”(delete) them from there, since inevitably I’d end up with 40 pointless markers that seemed interesting at the time but stopped mattering. Sometimes I want to mark an area, but without the ability to label them it’s basically useless. I don’t want to throw down a base every time I find something to come back to later, even if it is more convenient.

The ability to see the galaxy map from the ground. It’s a small thing, but sometimes I just want to see where that darn quest is.

The ability to mark a waypoint to travel to from my discovery log, both in system and not. Sometimes I know what planet I want, but having to physically get eyes on it in space can be a hassle. A marker would be handy.

Why do freighter fleets stalk me? The second I leave a planet or enter a system, suddenly an entire fleet just drops in near me. My OWN freighter doesn’t do that, just random ships hunting me like they want to talk about my ship’s extended warranty. I wouldn’t mind so much except they have a way of blocking my pulse jumps. I know you want other fleets to be around, but they could at least appear further away, and not between me and the space station. Please?

Could we get an analysis visor upgrade that actually tells you what a nearby building is? Say, within 300 or 500 units? Or just label beacons as something other than a building, because a flag, two boxes of geknip, and a beacon makes for a disappointing find when you were hoping for a trader, haunted terminal, or something.

And this last one isn’t a quality of life feature, but more things like derelict freighters! This game makes a surprisingly fun dungeon-crawler, so how about some more of that? Corrupted space stations, abandoned buildings on the ground, weird spatial anomalies. Whatever, I’m down.

submitted by /u/Varil
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Unsolicited opinion on how to make NMS better: Improve the galaxy map & my sense of place

Take this with a huge grain of salt, because I come from Elite Dangerous as well as a few other space games (which I no longer really play).

While I agree NMS has its own emphasis (on base building, survival) and is not fair to compare to sim-like games (Elite, Star Citizen, etc).

One thing that has always bothered me, is the vastness of the galaxy in NMS, but I have no (or little) sense of place in the galaxy, and no “sandbox reason” to plot a particular course (other than maybe one mission sending me a hop away, or one of the general story lines automating my pathway). Additionally, I despise the UI and interactions of the galaxy map.. simply selecting a place to go, understanding its direction etc… I find it awkward and confusing.

If I’m playing it wrong, or just missing some details, so be it, I’m happy to hear suggestions.

My suggestion:

Allow for zooming out and interactions with the map that make me more positionally aware, allow me to bookmark better on the actual map (rather than just list of teleport spots from a teleport). Have the galaxy map sliced into named regions. Have economies, resources, mission types, rare items, compel me to explore and travel bigger distances and custom plot paths.. Basically anything that gives more purpose to where I am relative to my position in the whole galaxy (beyond just heading towards the center). (I understand that certain system types are more likely to have thing X, or Y… but it feels so random and always a jump away, still no reason to explore in the way that seems fulfilling to me)

No matter how enormous the galaxy is, it’s kind of irrelevant to me if I don’t actually care where I am (which in today’s NMS I really don’t), and don’t have more reasons to plot pathways to known areas.

submitted by /u/cmndr_spanky
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is ATLAS a demiurge?

in the lore the atlas is just the ai of the machine that makes the in game universe, a machine that’s breaking down and “dying” very slowly in game but “irl” there is 16 minutes until the servers shut down (lore not really) so would the atlas be …

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My current ship collection

My current ship collection

I’ve currently got hold of a few good ships. The 3 Interceptors are my favourite designs I’ve found. I said I wouldn’t replace my red fin-wing Interceptor unless I found a blue and orange one… it was the next one I found. Currently the Ra Cailum and the Ethereal are my go-to favourites. The Sandstorm is my only purchased ship from before Orbital that I’ve clung to. It’s never let me down, why get rid of it?

submitted by /u/HardyMackintosh
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