
Me and my friend group of 10ish are looking to possibly play NMS together for this first time! Is th...

Hey NMS community! As the title says, my friend group is looking for our next survival sandbox game to play and No Man’s Sky is popping up on our radar! After discovering all of the updates this game has undergone over the years, we are hopeful that this is something that we can all play together and put a bunch time into for the foreseeable future..


We are aware that the game allows up to groups of 4 and after some light research on YouTube and Reddit, we are NOT quite sure what all that entails:

We see that 32 people can be in the same instance at a time on PC.. Does this mean we can all play with each other, build bases, quest together etc. in multiple groups of 4 (or less) at the same time?

In other sandbox-survival type games that we have played together thus far (Age of Conan, Ark, Terraria, Minecraft etc.) we had the freedom to pretty much play through those games together, interacting and doing objectives with eachother as a whole as much as we pleased.

So our main concern is are we going to be able to play most of the game together as a collective? Since we are pretty unfamiliar with how the game works and plays (we didn’t want to over-research on youtube and spoil the gameplay), we weren’t sure that, being such a large group, would we be relatively alienated from each other via the limited 4-man group sizes and if NMS is the type of game we are looking to play together as a full goon squad!

Thanks for any and all info guys!!

submitted by /u/Square-Nerve3900
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The repeatability of sandboxing: One game got it right, and NMS could do it too

Hello Gammers, HelloGames … oh well.

Don’t worry, this is constructive. I have over 500h on Permadeath and countless others in other modes and I am soon restarting all over again, I love this game.

These days I was wondering what made me want to actualy play another “open world survival” game that is so much smaller, and I noticed something. That game has somethings very small, easy to implement, but that ends up creating a strange sense of novelty every time you replay. That game is Subnautica.

You see, in Subnautica you have a small dread of the unknown, of finding something … dangerous. Lurking around. So even when you are an experienced player who literally knows where every dangerous area/creature is, it is still thrilling to get near those areas, to enter and dare the big challenge.

I miss that on NMS. The game has none of that, the most danger you get is tame compared to that. And lets face it, in the vastness of the universe, you are just as likelly to find cute rideable unicorn-bears, as something that will eat you – whole.

So why not do this tiny bit change. Some planets can have something powerful, something sinister, either on the depths of the oceans or the high mountains. And they don’t need to be that big, but should be respectable, visible, loud.

The idea is not to put something that will scare users, that will make someone rage quit they lost their progress. The idea is to put something that has fair warning, that tells you “dude, you shouldn’t be here, I hope you know what you are doing”. And if you are up to it, you don’t need rewards, you only need the thrill of slaying that thing, of putting your foot down (because if you add unique rewards to very hard encounters, the more casual players won’t really like it a bit).

Something that I miss in Subnautica (and NMS), is the possibility of large creatures to actually damage your base. Sure, 99.99% of people wouldn’t build a base nowhere near these dangerous creatures, but what if I wanted? what if I want to dare? Build a base with redudancies and extra layers of protection to stand that sandwork, that winged demon? the treachearous boss abomination?

And same in space. From time to time you should bump into something that will scare you. The random encounters right now are silly, you chuckle and go away, mark down one more encounter you hadn’t experienced yet. But what if you encounter something that tells you …. no, not even going to scan it, I’m out of here.

So, a little sense of awe, of dread, not necessarily always leading to death and loss, but to get out of there, or maybe, let’s face this thing!

And its not even hard to do it. Get some big assets, put huge HP, some good damage (but not one-hit kill), and some rules on where it can spawn (planet type, star system type). Maybe even just tweak the already existing random encounters, and then add some 5 new mobs that could even look the same everywhere, but for that reason … you know what it is, and its time to run.

submitted by /u/NoSeriousPosts
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As a Day 1 player, the feature I'd like the most right now...

…is Vortex Cubes as base decorations.

I’m 100% serious. A very small, simple request. I want to be able to place Vortex Cubes all over my bases.

Why? For all my fellow Day 1 players, you remember back when the game launched in 2016 when Vortex Cubes ruled the entire economy pretty much? If you found a planet with Vortex Cubes, you hit the jackpot, and you stayed there and grabbed all that you possibly could to turn in at trading posts to buy a new starship. Sometimes, they even looked like this on planets.

Vortex Cubes also were used to craft one of the hyperdrive upgrades before NEXT dropped if memory serves.

Now? They’re barely worth anything. They can’t be crafted, can’t be cooked, or refined, they don’t even drop Tetracobalt anymore. They’re just used for selling to make a very small amount of units.

The way I see it, just add them as base decorations at least to let us build cool stuff with them.

Just my two cents. Call it nostalgia for NMS 2016 if you must, but seeing Vortex Cubes in game always takes me back. I just want to be able to actually DO something with them again. What do you all think?

submitted by /u/Jamey4
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Motivation after a certain point in the story was suddenly gone. Am I the only one? SPOILER for the ...

Am I the only one who lost all motivation to explore when I reached the point in the story where you realise that all you see is just supposed to be simulated and not real?

It’s not even the repeating assets on animals and plants. I had specific things in mind I wanted to do before that happened. But after that point all the things I wanted to do lost their appeal. It was suddenly, right after I reached that point. I felt a strange sense of meaninglessness when I thought about continuing to explore the universe. It lost all immersion for me because it is just a program in canon.

I played for about 2 months frequently. It was one of my favourite games ever but right then I suddenly realised it is a huge waste of time to continue because it is just pixels in canon. All motivation was suddenly gone. I’ve never experienced that before and it makes me sad because I loved this game. But now when I log in I just see pixels. I cannot immerse myself in the world anymore.

submitted by /u/bewareof_gambhorrata
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Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

If you’re requested to send your save file to Hello Games see this post

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Best farms in 2024?

Haven’t played in a hot minute, but have about 200 hours in the game. Got back into it pretty recently, and was wondering what the best things to grow are as of the Orbital Update. I read that “supercomputers” are great for getting units (4 mil apiece …

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