NMS HOT POST 2022/02/25

Looking for A Sweet Ride and/or a S Class MT for the new Expedition? How About this All White Heavy Needle Nose or this Purple Experimental? Same System, right Next to Starting System.


Two seater ships should be a thing

Playing multiplayer sessions has injected a fresh boost into my NMS playthrough, I’m now having regular weekly sessions with a friend in the next town over and we’ll often talk though the week about the plan for the next session.

During our last session, my friend was getting tired of flying his ship, but wanted to keep shooting pirates in system. I prefer to fly the ships and don’t have much patience with space combat in this game. So suddenly the idea of the two seater ships enters the conversation – wouldn’t it be cool if that was a thing? After all, we’re usually flying around together making mischief but the idea of a dedicated gunner holds some merit in the context of the multiplayer experience. Maybe this could be possible with something that amounts to a bomber class vessel?

submitted by /u/MoD1982
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Super Griefer-- HOW??

Super Griefer-- HOW??

So I’m working inside my base on a paradise planet in Euclid, no environmental hazards whatsoever, it doesn’t even storm here– “Stone Pilot’s Temple,” just over the hill from the anomaly-featured “Ealpha Base.”

I hear someone jetpacking around outside, shooting at whatever these dudes like to shoot at. They have their “on-foot” indicator off, so it took me a second to focus on him through the wall and see his screen name, something like “NFS_Griefer” on PC. (I’m on a PS5, if that matters.)

I thought HA, joke’s on him, my settings were “no PVP,” so I wasn’t worried– knock yourself out, little guy. Grief this. I got back to working on my base.
Then the wall next to me is being hit by weapons fire from outside, sparks flying everywhere. This happens all the time, I just ignore them ‘till they get bored or their mom turns off the WiFi for the night.

Next thing I know– BAM, I’m dead, staring at Frank Herbert quote from Dune, alongside a message telling me I died of “heat damage.” With no PVP, inside my own base, behind a WALL. HHHOWWW did this lame bonehead take me out?


submitted by /u/PizzaRohz
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Petition to keep EA as far away from HG as our money can possibly buy.

Expedition 2 was a blast and so was the reward, that is an AWESOME addition to my fleet and I’m glad to have it. But oh my ducking god, pleeeeeease don’t let this be a hint that EA is somehow interested in buying HG or something, I would literally pay at a minimum 500 dollars for absolutely NOTHING but the guarantee that I am funding the ability of HG to keep EA away forever and make it permanent until the day we all die. I WILL give my next paycheck or two just to funding HG enough to keep EA away if that’s what it would take. I am saving up to buy a new computer just for this game, so spending that money to ensure this game will still be worth buying a new computer for in the future is just as worth it to me.

EA is one of THE reasons that the word corporate even has a negative connotation. They are the definition of what a company in general shouldn’t be. It doesn’t matter that they make a lot of money from classics and from the small number of surviving studios that have to HQ outside of the USA just to avoid being entirely strangled by EA. EA is as bad as Activision, and neither deserve the passion and love that HG and our community have for NMS. They can’t force us to support them even in most countries that aren’t full democracies or similarly free in terms of how people are allowed to spend their time and money. EA ranks with comcast and the likes every single year they are observed. EA is the kind of company I only buy a game from years later when it is absolutely confirmed after the fact that EA’s attachment to the studio wasn’t too parasitic to destroy the game, the company, and the reputations of all 3. Seriously, keep EA away from this game, and this precious studio. PLEASE. That is all. I won’t be able to recommend this game anymore if EA gets their hands on it, I’m sorry. I can’t do that. They destroy every single studio they touch. They incinerated pandemic studios just to re-release their battlefront 2 attempt that was so bad it forced entire countries to re-evaluate laws and the concept of gambling in general. EA is a demon. Ok now I’m actually done, going to go back to enjoying the expedition 2 rewards 🙂

submitted by /u/inertialambda
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Welcome to the new daily Q&A thread for NMSTG! You can now drop a question, provide answers or j...

Below are a few popular questions that we’ve received from our past FAQ thread. As always we ask that everyone be respectful and we welcome everyone’s contribution so have fun!

Q- I’m keen to start a new passive money making pursuit. What are some good ideas or guides post-Waypoint?

A#1-Gold farm, then take that stack and sell it at a terminal (not traders) in systems that sell gold. Sell all your gold to the terminal and crash the economy. Then buy it all back at 80% off discount. You just got free money and keep all the gold. All this takes is an initial investment on a gold farm, then you carry all that gold with you and just sell/buy back when you get to another system that sells gold. With 50 stacks in my ship’s cargo hold, I can make somewhere around 150 million units in each system I do this in.

A#2-Start a Farm, Fusion Igniters or Statis Devices Farm which will increase your profits to 100- 200 mil fairly quickly and you can even send out multiple freighter missions which will help you get aronium, magno-gold, Enriched carbon and more which will increase the profits even more.

A#3-Quickest way I’ve found to make a TON of units: Harvesting Storm Crystals. Find a VERY hot planet that has frequent fire storms. DURING STORMS ONLY – you can see the bright white light from Storm Crystals if you fly around low enough. Fly to them, land, quickly harvest them, get back in your ship and fly to the next before you burn up.

Q-How do I get the Advanced Mining Laser? I don’t have the option to craft one, and the multi-tool upgrade vendor at the space station doesn’t have the blueprint for sale.

A-In order to get it, you have to look for the blueprints in crashed ships or abandoned facilities. You get it from the main story (awakenings) or you can buy it on the anomaly.

Q-What do I actually do in the game? I finished the tutorial, is there anything else beside gathering stuff, building a base and repeat?

A#1-It’s really whatever you want, there’s a base story, (assuming you haven’t completed it already), follow the quest log and you’ll figure it out, but things You’d want to do for end game? You can collect multiple multitools, ships, built a fleet for your freighter, etc.

Q-Is there a planet that is populated by many players, and they built their base close to each others like a city?

A- Yeah its the Galactic Hub Project, Its a place where many people have bases and each day the numbers grow. Please help yourself. There are many factions in NMS that do this, even NMS Pirates Hub.

Q-I’m still pretty early into the game, just making my way to the center of the galaxy, what should I be spending my credits on?

A-Go hang around a outlaw/pirate trading post. Cheapest S-class start at around 8-8.5 million without a trade-in. I recommend Vikeen pirate, as then you have two good and 1 remote chances at high-maneuverability S-class: fighter, solar, exotic.

submitted by /u/liftheavy2003
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