
What is the point of terrain manipulation if the terrain inevitably regenerates?

I honestly can’t find any use for it beyond digging up buried tech & artifacts.

I used to level areas to build bases, but of course the terrain would regenerate at some point and I’d have dirt & rocks covering the floor. All of my buildings are now built on struts above ground level.

You have a literal level setting on your manipulator to flatten the terrain, but the terrain regen just negates it completely. What gives?

submitted by /u/Azmaeth
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続きを読む シェア

You don't realize how much you've accomplished until your save file is gone

So lately when I start my game up, it’s been taking me to the “Start New Game” menu by default. Tonight when I started playing, I thought “you know, I died on my permadeath save a few days ago. Let’s give that another go.”

So I make a new save, make progress, then decide to finish the night out casually. I go to switch to my daughter’s and my shared save (she’s 4 and just likes to fly the ship and help build bases). Turns out the start a new save screen it’s been taking me to this whole time overrights whatever game save you were on last. So I’ve lost my 50 hour save that I share with my daughter.

I’m bummed that we’ve lost all our Elsa castles and whatnot we’ve built, but I’m also sad for all the other stuff I accomplished on that save. It was a lot… and now it’s gone.

submitted by /u/lamppb13
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The game doesn't like me I think.

The game doesn't like me I think.

I was building this house and I originally planned on making it way bigger and even making a guest house but I ran out of the buildable limit I was about to have so now I have this unfinished house (In some spots) Either way I liked how it came out, just wished I had more of a limit. You can also check out the whole thing if you want to, the glyphs are at the end.

(Sorry for bad resolution I can’t save photos from the Xbox to the app so I had to use my phone)

submitted by /u/Then_Series
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Huh, that’s neat

Glyphs are in screenshot, it is on Euclid Galaxy, and it’s at coords -28.64, -142.14 on planet Snomchus Signa (I did not change the name). I’ve never seen anything like it. submitted by /u/Thee-Plague-Doctor [link] [comments…

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Let me map planets

I wish the planets had an actual map in the discovery screen, where you could see each waypoint discovered and spin the globe. I feel like it would very simply add a lot of depth to a shallow experience So many things they could flesh out in this game…

続きを読む シェア

Play past expeditions today(only on pc, sorry console people)

One question that I’ve seen asked quite often is if it is possible to play past expeditions, and people usually answer that aside from the four redux expeditions at the end of the year, you can’t, officially, that is the only way. However, there is a very easy and safe workaround that allows you to play any expedition at any time.

The data of all the past expeditions is still in the game, but these expeditions can no longer be accessed. However, there’s a file named SEASON_DATA_CACHE.json that controls the start and end dates of the expeditions, the milestones, the rewards, and a bit more. By editing this file, you can make these expeditions playable again without messing with the actual game files or your save file. JSON files are a bit hard to read and understand at first, but someone on github has already modified the file for all past expeditions, even accounting for the inventory system change in the Waypoint update. It’s literally just drag and drop; just make sure to read the readme files first, there’s a very good tutorial and notes about the expeditions, like bugs and possible workarounds.

submitted by /u/I_Have_Lost_My_Name
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