NMS HOT POST 2022/06/1

No Man’s Sky Concept- Dungeons – procedurally generated underground structures that can be explored and salvaged.

Large procedurally generated, underground structures that is akin to a derelict freighter in space.

  • Use a device that scans for structures

  • Locate structure

  • Find a small to medium sized house or shack that leads underground

  • Find terminal

  • Give used scanner to terminal

  • Dungeon is procedurally generated behind locked door, same as derelict freighter

  • These structures/dungeons are WAY bigger than any other structure we have seen

  • Loot chests, find treasures, discover the story behind the dungeon

  • Fight Sentinels, Fauna, Terrors and NPCs

  • New Multi-Tool weapons such as: Missile launcher, incinerator (flamethrower), Bayonet (increase melee damage), Smoke launcher( fire grenades that release smoke) and Boltcaster (fire a chain of lightning that can be charged up to chain more enemies)

  • A crouch animation for those tight spaces (or give us a morphball like Metroid)

submitted by /u/codmike86
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit



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