NMS HOT POST 2022/06/2

I was excited for the Leviathan expedition, but after dying one too many times, I have learned that I hate permadeath mode.

I had just gotten back into the game back when expedition 5 was juuuuuuuust about to end, and my joy at doing the new expeditions (the first one I did since they implemented new expeditions) was cut short after only a few hours.

Even though I didn't make much progress, I thought it was really fun. I got distracted and completely missed the sixth expedition, but I was right on time for Leviathan. I didn't think much of the permadeath mode as they said it was going to have roguelike elements, and roguelike is one of my favourite genres (over a thousand hours in Binding of Isaac).

I died a handful of times as I'd never played on survival (or permadeath) before, but those deaths were all around the beginning, no more than an hour in. I learned that I had to play much safer if I was going to progress.

And progress I did. I got all the way to the third phase and was having a lot of fun. Until I landed on a toxic planet and realized I had no toxic protection. Dead.

Allllll the way back to the starting planet. And what progress was saved? Basically nothing. Three of the optional mission rewards, giving a handful of upgrades to ship and exosuit inventory. That's it.

Progression on everything else, gone. All the data for the missions wiped (save for the final optional ones). Was it a glitch? Probably not. I guess I overestimated the "roguelike" elements that they made for this expedition. I would honestly say that they have no business using that term because the "progression" that is saved is nothing more than a hollow shell of the experience I had.

I had fun up until that death, but not enough to do the whole thing over again. I think I'll just start up a new save and play like I used to, and hope the next expedition is better. Would have loved to have played the previous expeditions, too. I think it's a little disappointing that they're limited events.

Thanks for reading my rant, I guess. Hope everyone else had more fun than I did this go around. Cheers.

submitted by /u/Knever
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


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submitted by /u/Minetitan
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Do not "cheat" for cash if you can help it.

When I started this game 3 weeks ago, I gravitated towards the “free” option in the settings menu for purchases. This helped me get stuff early, like exotic ships, full upgrades to my ships/exosuit/MT/freighter. But it got stale fairly quickly.

I got bored so I started a normal save and then I locked it so I won’t be tempted to change the settings. But then I learned how to dupe. That was worse. It’s like the first “free” option but with additional steps. I got bored faster, since I know what I need and where to get them.

So I started a 3rd save. But this time, I went perma death locked mode. And I’m having a hell of a time. Maybe it’s the pressure of losing everything with one small step. Or maybe because I had to work to get everything. (I now have 2B units, 200k nannites). I have 2 ships, and a multi tool maxed out. My exosuit still needs around 20 cargo slots but the tech is all done. Freighter needs more work but it’s an S with just a couple of tech upgrades left (still can’t go to blue stars).

I feel this run will be my main, unless I f*ck it up and get my character killed somehow. I think at this point, only my own stupidity can kill it. lol

What I’m trying to say is, resist doing it the easy way (easy option/cheats/hacks/exploits). Unless you want it easy, then go ahead, I’m not stopping you. I’m just sharing my experience as a new (old) player. (pre-ordered nms but only played a couple of hours).

Cheers Travellers!

submitted by /u/Merquise813
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Will they/do they repeat older expeditions again?

Played NMS when it first came out, wasn’t impressed given the hype, dripped in and out, blah blah blah,

Only to dive headlong into the game last year while recovering from a partial tear of the ol achilles tendon.

The grind was real, toally worth it, and I’m reaping the rewards, but gosh darn it, I would LOVE to get my hands on some of the past expedition loot.

submitted by /u/Mukables
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