NMS HOT POST 2022/06/18

Anchor Down (WIP) had a break from make the port and decided to make a new robot no name yet and I haven’t decided on a colour scheme (Euclid-normal) it’s located on the capital planet of the PNMS civ come on down there are plenty of other awesome builds you won’t be disappointed 😉🙏🙏🙏


Bought the game last night

I started out crash-landed on an alien planet and had to repair my starship. The game was kind enough to walk me through that, but I kept running out of heat protection and had to constantly scrounge up more sodium. Thankfully there were plenty of plants.

Once I got my ship fixed, I flew into space and hit hyperspeed…and accidentally went way past my objective and had to turn around. On the way back, I ran out of hyperspeed fuel and I thought I was boned, but the asteroids surrounding me were full of fuel. Hooray! I was able to make it to the second planet!

After landing in the wrong place, I made it to my destination and built a tiny little cabin where I could wait out the heat storms (and also hide from the Sentinel drone that kept chasing me around. Leave me alone! Those aren’t your plants!) Of course, I had trouble finding copper deposits, and I also ran into my first real problem: I got too far away from my ship and couldn’t find my way back for a while. I’m hoping I’ll eventually get a map or beacon or something so I can roam farther.

Then I went to a space station full of aliens! I couldn’t talk to most of them, but some of them taught me a few words, and a few offered to come work for me (though I didn’t have the necessary buildings.) Tonight I’m going back to my log cabin and I’ll see what else this planet has in store for me.

This game feels like it’s going to be me wandering around cluelessly, punctuated by a series of amazing discoveries. I’m stoked!

submitted by /u/HomelyHyena
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What is going on with the NMS Coordinate Exchange?

The former NMSCE subreddit mods and myself have recently cut ties with r/NMSCoordinateExchange due to the NMSCE subreddit founder recently returning after 4 years of being MIA and deciding to run things with an iron fist (as if they never left) and abusing their power as a moderator.

Two mods were removed from their positions and banned from NMSCE for disagreeing with the founder on community related matters. Both mods had been mods for 3 years each and were and gone in an instant without the rest of the mod team even being consulted.

Another mod was removed from their position and banned from NMSCE for posting to another similar subreddit. That member was the NMSCE 2021 member of the year and was one of the top 5 of posters of 2022.

ALL of the former mods who left on their own were also later banned from NMSCE despite not breaking any community rules. Why ban us if we’ve done nothing wrong and you have nothing to hide?

As a subreddit founder, you have the right to run the community how you want. But that doesn’t give you an excuse to act like an ass. Especially if you haven’t put in any hard work in building the community yourself. Instead the founder wishes to call all the shots while others do everything else for them. That’s a hard pass for us!

Since the founders return (again, after a 4 year absence) in one months time, the entire mod team was either fired or quit, all were then later banned. The bans being an abuse of power due to lack of legitimate cause. (Not the first time we’ve seen the founder retaliate in a petty manner.)

The former NMSCE subreddit mod team (excluding the founder) built that subreddit from 4K members to the massive 229K members it has today. The founder had absolutely no hand in building the community in their 4 year absence. Most of the mods have never even spoken to the founder until they returned.

It pains us to leave something we’ve spent years and thousands of hours each building, but we will not continuing working for somebody who treats us like absolute garbage and takes credit for something they had no hand in building.

Please subscribe to our new subreddit:


You can also join our discord at:


submitted by /u/ApexFatality
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Will they/do they repeat older expeditions again?

Played NMS when it first came out, wasn’t impressed given the hype, dripped in and out, blah blah blah,

Only to dive headlong into the game last year while recovering from a partial tear of the ol achilles tendon.

The grind was real, toally worth it, and I’m reaping the rewards, but gosh darn it, I would LOVE to get my hands on some of the past expedition loot.

submitted by /u/Mukables
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