
Introducing Clifftop Luxis Estate (Euclid)

Introducing Clifftop Luxis Estate (Euclid)

Sunarim’s Galactic Realty proudly presents…

Clifftop Luxis Estate

*Currently not for sale*

Only available for viewing tours. Feel free to take any harvest crops or items from containers.

Features of this base: *Floras glow during the night for spectacular night views *Easy access to the portal *The area is connected through teleporters for easy access through the area (currently 7/8 teleporters available)

“The House” 1 entrance hallway, 1 living room, 1 large balcony and a pool, 1 minibar, 1 bathroom complete with bathtub, 1 office room, 1 bedroom, 2 starship landing pads, 1 kitchen, 1 dining area, 1 mini balcony, 1 pantry room, 1 storage room, 1 bathroom

“The Facility Center” Teleporter room (1: portal, 2: Starship landing pad, 3: Farming area, 4: Party Lounge, 5: The House, 6: Generator Station, 7: Trading post, 8: *opened for future), mineral extraction hub, 5 harvesting bio domes, storage area, research center, workshop area

“The Party Lounge” Lighting panels on floors and ceiling, a minibar, personal DJ, power switch located at the entrance, switch between two songs, backdoor control room and maintenance floor.

*Disclaimer: As of you probably know, this is not a commercial for an actual real estate. This commercial-like presentation is made only just for fun. Therefore the house shown in this video is not for sale (of course). Also note that originally I’ve shown this base from a different account (which I will delete it soon). It will be an update from that base. Please do not create a base near this house (at least of 600u out of this house) as it can corrupt the base if close enough.

submitted by /u/sunarim-
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Explain about economy.

Can someone explain me how do the economy works? I’ve been playing this game for a long time and I used to be in “3 stars” systems to buy and sell. And why? IDK, I only assume that systems are better, but not know why are better! I think the economy status influences on goods price. But there’s another effect? Like better missions, better starships, more outposts in planets, cargo ships with better loot…

submitted by /u/Responsible_Kale8832
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wtf is up with the Cronus interface?

Trying to give dude a cupcake. I keep components like plating and tubes in my suit for various things, and I keep creature pellets as well. In my freighter, I have a bunch of surplus eggs that I have no space for in storage.

The extremely limited interface for presenting Cronus with a food item limits you to 3 options. It is counting the carbon nanotubes, the creature pellets and for some insane reason the eggs that are in my freighter and that means there’s no room for it to give me the cupcake as an option to offer him. I’m assuming it’s going alphabetically… But it’s literally letting me offer him nanotubes before it lets me offer him an actual food item. Why is it not just a menu, like the trade rocket, where you can pick what to hand him, or (like people have been asking for) just shove a bunch of food in him at once for nanites? I didn’t realize it was THIS shitty.

submitted by /u/Misternogo
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Gardening is fun

This is my Stasis farm biologicals, a two minute run down the hall gives me enough to make almost 100 stasis devices at 15.6M units each. Couple that with my collection of S-class mines across 11 galaxies and you’ve got a moneymaking operation. …

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