
The craziest thing happened to me recently

I was on an icy extreme weather planet fighting a sentinel pillar. I didnt have a cold weather protection tech and just quickly jamming an ion battery into my hazard protection every 30 seconds or so. It was tedious but I had to fight this pillar for a mission. Eventually an extreme storm rolled in, which was problematic but luckily the last bot, the mech, was almost dead. I took down the mech and headed over to the console.

Standing at the console, I then see WARNING: EXTREME WIND EVENT Huh I get slowly pushed up against the pillar, and am unable to extract myself I blink Then I am flailing in a white void. No ground in sight. Very concerned for my safety, I look up. And realize I am on the edge of space. Then, some random jerk wad in a space ship starts trying to shoot me out of the sky He lands a few laser shots on me and that’s where I begin to panic. Now there really wasn’t much I could do in my panic, and luckily I was calm enough to save my jetpack for when I inevitably returned to the ground. So I watched helplessly as I was buffeted by strong winds and being attacked by spaceships. Eventually, after what felt like an agonizingly long time, I began to see flickering flames of damaged machinery through the fog and saw the ground getting closer. I sparingly used my jetpack to slow and eventually reach the ground relatively unharmed. Immediately, I try to call my starship in, but the ground here was very uneven.

Then, a few seconds after having landed, a new message appears. WARNING: EXTREME ELECTROMAGNETIC EVENT Before I have a chance to process this new warning, the world erupts in lightning. Panic level rises more and I desperately try to get to flatter ground.

Then a direct strike. Completely ahnnilating my shields and leaving me with two health cores. At this point my panic has reached its apex. I began floundering desperately trying to call my ship in, spamming left click and looking everywhere.

I did manage to get my ship called in. I hopped in, and immediately left the planet. Critically wounded, tech broken, but alive. After taking a moment to calm down and make sure the planet I landed on wasn’t a portal to oblivion, I realized: I never finished my mission at the sentinel pillar. Steeling myself for what was to come, I went back, but it was entirely uneventful. Mission complete, I left the planet. Hopefully, never to return.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get a clip of this whole ordeal, which I greatly regret. It was truly the craziest chain of events that happened to me.

submitted by /u/Starman5555
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A Portal on Every Planet? Math doesn't check out...

I read somewhere that every planet has a portal on it. According to the advertising and the in-game dialog, there are over 18 quintillion planets in NMS total.

If the portal has 16 glyphs to choose from, and there are 12 glyphs in a portal address, that should be 16^12, which is over 281 trillion different portal addresses. So I read somewhere else there are 256 galaxies, and the portals are only intra-galaxy (cannot portal you to a different galaxy than the source), so if we multiply 281 trillion by 256, we get roughly 72 quadrillion portal addresses spread over the 256 galaxies. That’s 3 orders of magnitude shy of 18 quintillion.

Is some of this information incorrect, or am I missing something else? Or could it be that not every planet has a portal? I would think some of the barren ones might not, since they seem to have no other buildings, but I don’t usually spend much time on them.

I would think it’s not realistically possible for anyone to scour an entire planet manually searching for a portal, so it would be extremely difficult to visually prove that no portal exists on any given planet, but unless some of those numbers are wrong, I would think it has to be that some planets don’t contain portals.

Just feeling extra math-nerdy tonight, and was curious if anyone had any information about the claim that every planet had a portal.

submitted by /u/kane8997
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Transferring NMS from PS4 To PS5

I have about 70 hours in NMS on my PS4 and I uploaded my latest progress to my PS5(but when I bought the PS5 version of the game, downloaded it and ran it, my file is not there.) Where is the file and how would I retrieve it on my PS5? I can’t stand the thought of starting from scratch(but I will if I have to.) Some input on this situation would be much appreciated.

submitted by /u/Wonderful_Mistake_52
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Gardening is fun

This is my Stasis farm biologicals, a two minute run down the hall gives me enough to make almost 100 stasis devices at 15.6M units each. Couple that with my collection of S-class mines across 11 galaxies and you’ve got a moneymaking operation. …

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