
With all the buzz for ship customization in the community I'm surprised I haven't seen more discussi...

Hello Games is definetely listening to us when we say we want to be able to customize our own ships and I believe the Voltaic Staff was not only a new thing they wanted to add but also a way for them to test a system for us to actually customize something part-by-part and then by color.

I thought the system worked well except for having to create a whole new staff if you found a new part. There’s also the state of contention on whether or not it’s better to unlock parts permenantly like in the player customization system or if the parts should be as they are, cosumable. I know why they chose to make them consumable, HG doesn’t want to do anything to harm or discourage players from exploring No Man’s Sky. Their procedural, 18-quintillion planets is their top selling point and it needs to be explored and all things involved or added should not only encourage exploration but compliment it.

That being said, I think if ship customization is added, the parts should be found through missions and exploration, like the current voltaic staff customization, but due to the vast, growing types of ship and their parts and colors, they should be permenantly unlocked upon discovery.

There is also something I’ve been feeling that I may be alone in but the newer ship-types(sentinel, solar, living, and the new expedition ship) all have unique upgrades and animations that are beginning to overshadow the use and cool-factor of the original types. If ship customization is implemented should it only be for the original types or for all types and if for athe newer ones as well would that then make them less special or even lesser than the latter by way of not being able to customize them?

Food for thought. Penny for yours. I’d love to see what the community thinks about this.

submitted by /u/Nowhereman50
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Thanks to a helpful post from someone on here, I finally finished my extreme survival milestones. Been a long road since this game launched. Now to reinstall the PS4 version and get the platinum on that. submitted by /u/Dartbeast …

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First post! Hello travelers! I have a question about a bug.

Before I make a bug report, I just wanted to find out if this is actually a bug or if I’m doing something wrong.

I have a couple of currents quests that are, presumably, directing me to a specific location on a planet. I will travel there by aiming at the quest icon and using the pulse engine.

However, before I even reach the planet, the quest icon will disappear. I land on the planet, expecting to then be able to use my visor to pinpoint the exact location… but it doesn’t pick up a signal.

Then, I turn around and look up at the sky, and lo and behold, there’s the icon again, looking as if it’s on a different planet, where I just came from! So I get in my ship, pulse toward it again, and have the same exact problem! Rinse and repeat.

To me, it seems like the icon is actually existing in the space *between* two planets, and not actually on one or the other. As if, maybe it thinks there’s supposed to be a planet there, but there really isn’t?

I believe this is a main quest, and not one of those smaller faction missions, so I don’t know if there’s any way for me to drop the quest and pick it up again. Sorry, I don’t remember the quest name off the top of my head (I’ll have to edit this post after work, when I’m able to get on the game to check), but I’m pretty sure this is happening with at least two of my current quests, so I don’t think it’s a quest-specific bug, necessarily. It might just be a navigation/UI bug.

Or maybe I’m just missing something or being dumb!

I’m playing on PC.

If anyone else has encountered this, can you tell me if I’m doing something wrong? Was there a way for you to resolve it?

Thanks, all!

submitted by /u/Appwy_Wiberawwy
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