NMS HOT POST 2022/10/20

There should be a freighter module that is an animal sanctuary for companions.

As the title states, there should be a freighter room that acts as a “sanctuary” or “habitat” for companions. You can customize the appearance of it and make the walls windows and have it be just a little nature escape for your companions to go when you “dismiss” them when you’re on a planet. This should be where they go when they are dismissed.

For extra customization and gameplay, each pet should require a specific type of environment or biome for the sanctuary to be designed after. So you can add plants and trees that you scanned from the planet you adopted them from. And the rocks and weather could be simulated too in the sanctuary. Also, total customization should be allowed letting the player place the rocks, trees, plants, etc wherever desired to make it look more natural.

In addition, there should be a placeable sign or label of some sort that you can add onto the wall next to a room door where you can label/name the room.

submitted by /u/OATML
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


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