
All discovery names on Expedition progression systems should be locked.

Not sure why this isn’t already a thing. Systems and planets are already like this, so it’s clear that Hello Games has the ability to do this. These are already done this way to (probably) stop people from naming these larger systems into something offensive.

But based on the past few expeditions, it’s become increasingly clear that people won’t use this system to make fun or funny names for things and instead will choose to name commonly found resources or creatures into things that are political or offensive.

I don’t think specific words need to be locked or anything. If I found one of these discoveries in the normal mode then I can just move on. But, expeditions (especially the last one) force you to interact and see the discoveries of other players for much longer periods of time compared to other parts of the game.

Having all discoveries on necessary progression systems (starting places, rendezvous points, etc) be pre-discovered by Hello Games eliminates any need for them to ban any names and still lets people name random systems whatever they want. I’d imagine this would also drastically cut down on reports sent to HG. For the most part everyone wins by doing this. People can still name random systems whatever they want, HG doesn’t have to deal with a bunch of reports, and people can play their space game without political and offensive names being shoved down their throat.

submitted by /u/gravendoom75
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My thoughts as a new player

After completely ignoring this game since launch I finally decided to give it a shot starting a week ago, and I’ve been playing it nonstop all week.

I love sand box exploration games, space, sci-fi, and customization. Although there is somewhat shallowness in certain aspects, this game hits all of those fairly well and the story and mystery is a nice cherry on top. Going from system to system, planet to planet… It can get a little repetitive. But repetition isn’t bad. Repetition is normal. Every game is repetitive. I kind of see this game like Warframe but better and way less grindy and way more freedom. This is probably the first “casual” game that I’ve seriously gotten into besides Minecraft and it’s refreshing to say the least.

I’m wondering how this game has or will effect the production of other games and how far they will go in the future because to me this game seems like the tip of the iceberg when it comes to procedural generation. I can only imagine what’s in store for the future of exploratory gaming and other implementation of this kind of design.

There is definitely one thing that is missing from this game, and I guess I’m beating a dead horse here but this game needs ship customization or even creation. It could be an extra thing to seek out materials for, more blueprints, recipes and an addition to the market. Customization is simple. And if you don’t want it then you could just flat out ignore the aspect. Purely aesthetic. It sure would be a great community enhancement for personalization.

submitted by /u/notatravelagent
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Anomaly Hunters

Anomaly Hunters

Greetings fellow travellers! Welcome to Anomaly Hunters, in this show I intend to travel to far reaches of the universe in search of:


Which I hope to photograph so everyone will be able to witness the majesty of what wonders are hiding out there in the depths of space.

Join me on my journey! Here’s a look into what I’ve found so far, though I’ve barely scratched the surface of what the universe has to offer.

submitted by /u/PenniesStorm
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Do you guys really prefer the old terrain (Pre-NEXT)?

I see a lot of people saying that before NEXT the terrain was better but I kinda like the terrain more now than before, the old terrain generation maybe was more varied but I think it looks way better and prettier now, I played a lot of the old NMS and I really didn’t liked much the terrain at the time, I remember a lot people complained about it too even before NEXT and Atlas Rises.

If they are going to do a reset to the terrain I would like if they keep the terrain that already exist and also add a way to allow the old ones to form as well, or do something that mix both terrains or something completely new.

submitted by /u/SadCupcake7000
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続きを読む シェア


Help me please, I can’t find anything on the remembrance terminal online or any guides that are after the recent update. My problem is I can’t find the remembrance terminal in an abandoned space station. Does anybody have any idea where to find i…

続きを読む シェア

Colossus interior

Long ago, the first time I came across one I made my mission to get it as soon as possible and to build my mobile base on wheels. The instant I did, I discovered no interior, no decorations and no mobile home. At that moment, my disappointment wa…

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