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» Props to my hero Props to my hero – No Man's Sky Traveler portal
NMS HOT POST 2023/02/24

Props to my hero

So I'm not even sure if my new hero reads this Reddit. But they saved my expedition. And I wanted to acknowledge them. Long story short phase 3 stuck on an island in the middle of an ocean with zero launch thruster fuel, and empty launch thrusters. (When you have thrusters rechargers on your main game you take thruster fuel for granted) I had no options no chromatic metal to build a base. No exocraft. And I was an 11 hour walk to my base. I was seriously stranded. Then I happen to see an interloper in the area. I took the chance and messaged them politely asking for assistance. This outstanding individual came to my aid and rescued me with 2 launch thruster fuels. Absolutely saved my bacon. And my expedition. I don't want to mention their name. Privacy and all. But I hope they read this and know that the help they gave a random person is so very much appreciated. Proof positive that this is the best community in gaming. I'm a day one player before we had multi-player and I'm so glad this game has it now cause this community is amazing. And to my hero thank you again for saving my expedition I only hope that I am able to pass it forward and help someone else.

submitted by /u/Shattered_Edge
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


The Green Ark

The Green Ark

I found this beautiful paradise planet at the very outer edge of Euclid (1,159,000 lightyears from the center), with a vast variety of plants and bigger trees, which offers very many of those huge stones (not floating) that seem ideal to build a nice base with a garden.

The garden is full of useful plants. I didn’t grind any just added more resourceful ones. The base has 4 floating landing pads at the top and teleporters to rach the lower part.

I hope you like the architecture and enjoy exploring if you visit some time. And if you like the planet as much as I do, build your own green hideout there, neighbours are very welcome.

submitted by /u/dolph42o
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続きを読む シェア


Black hole jumping to the centre of the Galaxy - a few things I found last night.

Black hole jumping to the centre of the Galaxy - a few things I found last night.

As the title mentions, I’m currently trying to make my way to the centre of my 2nd galaxy – Hilbert Dimension. I want to do this as I reset the simulation on the main quest and it took me here. Anyway, here are a couple of things I (and maybe you?) have found interesting along the way.

  1. First time I’ve seen this particular anomaly.
  2. My first volcanic eruption.
  3. An unclaimed paradise planet if anyone wants to claim it? (I already have a paradise base in Hilbert, so I did not stop by.)

4+5. This was one of the models outside the multitool upgrade specialist in a space station. Has anyone seen that helmet before? I don’t think I have it, but I think I want it.

Yesterday, I also found my first already discovered system in Hilbert, it contained a black hole so I used it and I came out in another system also discovered by the same person. I didn’t realise black holes had a set path, I thought they were random.

So easy to lose time with this game!!

A bit of an anomaly

My first live volcano

Paradise Planet – up for grabs

What is this helmet?

Where can I get this helmet?

submitted by /u/RiverKnight2018
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続きを読む シェア

Pirate Freighter friends, let's talk about what we're inheriting here...

So, aside from lighting that’s way too Klingon (clearly these pirates are Star Trek fans), I’m wondering if anyone’s taken a space walk to check things out. I did. And I found 3 armed anti-freighter torpedoes under the main bridge and hangar. You know, where our entire base is. It’s sitting on top of a massive cache of mass destruction. Booby trap for the interloper who dares to force them into submission? Or a smart move, and if the latter, where’s the detonator? Who has the launch codes? Are they still on board? Let’s figure this out. And while we’re at it, figure out how to get the gun turrets on this mighty vessel to actually do something in a fire fight…

Note: no regrets. I had come to loathe the star destroyer-lite freighter that used to be the coolest thing in space. It felt good to make a huge change like this, and docking is considerably easier and more enjoyable now. But those torpedoes… damn. Sense of unease intensifies.

submitted by /u/Jupiter67
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続きを読む シェア

Useful Tip for escaping Sentinel ships

If you’re in space and want to escape sentinal interceptors without fighting them, and you’re past the anomaly part of the story, you can summon the anomaly and jump inside, and it will remove your wanted rating.

Space stations work too, but depending on how far away they are, it can be a pain with a disabled pulse drive.

I figured this one out a few weeks ago, and I use it all the time if I’m not in the mood for a prolonged sentinal space fight.

submitted by /u/kane8997
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続きを読む シェア

How did you make your first billion units?

I started playing this game last Christmas and it took awhile for me to get the hang of it. Eventually I found myself drawn to Gravitinos and started farming them exploring between harvests (mostly looking for silver). I learned base building this way and made my first billion units. I know making money isn’t the point of the game but it felt like an accomplishment for me and I was curious how everyone else made their first billion?

submitted by /u/Korenaut
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続きを読む シェア

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