NMS HOT POST 2023/06/28

The Church of the Void Mother is a religious sect of fanatic zealots that worships the Void mother instead of the Atlas. Churches like this one the sporal world of Chonwar Prime are at the centre of this religion that has recently come to prominence following the Corrupt Sentinels Rebellion.



Thank you to whoever put down a base at the quicksilver weekend mission location.

With how mindlessly people bandwagon things, lord knows that spot would probably be completely inaccessible with comballs if someone hadn’t put down a base. I normally think they’re neat, but there were so many comballs at this location that I could barely even target the corrupted sentinels there. This is really shitty behavior on the part of the community, considering how much of an annoyance these can be to other players in a spot like this.

Like, if you really want to have a big funny field of messages, park it off to the side where people can CHOOSE to go get ambushed with a bunch of random comments. Have some decency.

submitted by /u/Misternogo
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