
Nearly 100 panoramic images from 6-1/2 years of playing No Man's Sky

Nearly 100 panoramic images from 6-1/2 years of playing No Man's Sky

Under the Rings (Frontiers)

I started with No Man’s Sky in 2016 when it launched on Steam and I was immediately captivated by how beautiful it was. But as an amateur photographer who does a lot of panoramic photography, it also occurred to me how well suited the game was to the same treatment. The result is my Flickr album with nearly 100 panoramic images from the 6-1/2 years I’ve been playing. (Posted as a Flickr Album because of sheer quantity, and because Reddit doesn’t lend itself to wide-aspect photos).

I started creating panoramic images from the game that first week. It was a lot harder in the early days: there was no photo mode so things kept moving while you shot each frame, you couldn’t disable the scan lines or vignetting, you couldn’t adjust the lighting or time of day, and placing your ship precisely was next to impossible. It’s gotten a lot easier over the years.

Most of the images are stitched together from between 20 and 30 individual frames, and then cropped to frame. Most end up between about 5 and 6k wide.

I’ve been doing it off and on. Most of my panos are from NEXT and earlier, and then from Prisms and beyond (I took a pause form the game between Visions and Origins, so there are gaps). And I have a number of sequences that I never got around to assembling.

Land Snakes (Atlas Rises)

Big, Boxy, and Beautiful (Release)

submitted by /u/SkySchemer
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What's something you wish you knew when you started?

I’ve been playing for about a week. I played a lot when NMS first came out, and a bit after, but there’s sooooooo much new stuff now.

I see lots of people talking about discoveries, building, ships, etc after they’ve logged hundreds of hours.

So now that you’re hundreds of hours into the game, what is something you wish you had known, or done, when you first started?

submitted by /u/GoodShark
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Ship Sentimentality

So I pretty much had stopped playing for about a year, after trying out Star Citizen. Missed a few expeditions and a few major upgrades, and returned when Endurance was released. There was a lot of catching up to do.

One of things I decided to do was to get some new ships. Despite the max being increased from 6 to 9 ships, I still wanted to keep the roster clean and decided I was going to switch my explorer to one with a longer range. But that Explorer that I did have served me so well for so long, that I felt bad about just scrapping it. So I decided not to scrap it; I’ll simply trade it for another ship, and let the pilot fly off into the sunset where my old explorer would continue to live on somewhere in the galaxy. I wasn’t even going to strip out the components; I would leave all the weapons and all the hyperdrive mods and everything, and leave the ship intact.

Then, I had another idea.

So I dismissed one of my squadron pilots and started looking for a new pilot who I thought would be worthy to fly my Explorer. Found one, traded ships with them, and then recruited them to my squadron. So now my Explorer lives on in my fleet as a squadron member!

I might do this with the Golden Vector. Although the Golden Vector is special because it’s one of the few ships that doesn’t have a Photon Cannon built in.

submitted by /u/Fletchman1313
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Thank you to whoever put down a base at the quicksilver weekend mission location.

With how mindlessly people bandwagon things, lord knows that spot would probably be completely inaccessible with comballs if someone hadn’t put down a base. I normally think they’re neat, but there were so many comballs at this location that I could barely even target the corrupted sentinels there. This is really shitty behavior on the part of the community, considering how much of an annoyance these can be to other players in a spot like this.

Like, if you really want to have a big funny field of messages, park it off to the side where people can CHOOSE to go get ambushed with a bunch of random comments. Have some decency.

submitted by /u/Misternogo
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I think I lost EVERYTHING

This has happened at least twice. The first time I had to pull sync data from the cloud to be able to play again. It disabled auto sync so now my backup file loads into this white screen also. I can’t get past it. I can’t push buttons I can’t hea…

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