
This Feels Like Heresy

Coming into No Mans Sky from the wonderful universe of Elite Dangerous, I’d never heard much good(any, really) about NMS. And i’d like to preface this with a Dont Get Me Wrong I Love Elite.

But holy freakin crap is this game a nice change of pace. Do yall know what i had to do to get a fleet carrier in elite dangerous?! Christ on a pancake. I got a little A-class freighter for free in NMS at my third system in my first playthrough. You know what i got in my third system in Elite Dangerous? TRAUMA.

Landing on planets and being able to interact with the terrain, however buggy and simplistic and perhaps not as dynamic as we’d like, is quite simply mindblowing.

And can i just say what a DELIGHT it is to hop around these galaxies??!! Im in a crappy little fighter with a SEVEN HUNDRED LIGHT YEAR JUMP RANGE. AND IT DOESNT HAVE TO CHARGE FOR 15 FRICKIN MINUTES.

Honestly. Great game. Glad to be here. Thanks for having me.

Oh and can i say just how freaking lovely it is to run into other players on a regular basis who want to wave and say hi, instead of blow up my ship to satisfy some inner sociopathic tendencies.

Thanks Hello Games.

submitted by /u/Curiousipede
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So uh... The first free freighter....

So uh... The first free freighter....

It’s supposed to be an S-class right? 😅

I still haven’t clicked the claim button because I’m still sort of in shock. I went through the dog fight event, checked out the freighter and was a B-class, but I had to shut off the game. I didn’t realize it didn’t save. When I reverted the save and did it again, the RNG seemed to have blessed me with a S Capital ship after the single accidental save scum.

I haven’t been playing that long and don’t fully understand what I’m looking at as far as quality. How good is she as freighters go?

submitted by /u/Aquafoot
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