
Do you let your starships keep their original names?

By conscious choice that is, not just because you can’t be bothered to change it.

I recently bought a real little gem (at least for a new player), an A-class fighter called The Skylark of Truth, for the rather modest sum of 2.5 million units. I decided I wouldn’t be changing its name, even though I could probably think of a hundred better ideas. It just feels… I don’t know… inappropriate to change it. Like some sort of hubris or ungratefulness on my part.

Same goes for Artemis’s crashed ship, which in my game was called the Aimitomi (I like to imagine it’s named after a person or place of significance to Artemis). I patched it back together and kept its old name.

submitted by /u/-Guardsman-
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3.92 Patch Notes

Fixed an issue which incorrectly caused players to take damage while on planet. Fixed an issue that allowed players to kill their own companions. Fixed an issue that caused some newly collected items to create a new stack rather than add to existing st…

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Pirate Freighter friends, let's talk about what we're inheriting here...

So, aside from lighting that’s way too Klingon (clearly these pirates are Star Trek fans), I’m wondering if anyone’s taken a space walk to check things out. I did. And I found 3 armed anti-freighter torpedoes under the main bridge and hangar. You know, where our entire base is. It’s sitting on top of a massive cache of mass destruction. Booby trap for the interloper who dares to force them into submission? Or a smart move, and if the latter, where’s the detonator? Who has the launch codes? Are they still on board? Let’s figure this out. And while we’re at it, figure out how to get the gun turrets on this mighty vessel to actually do something in a fire fight…

Note: no regrets. I had come to loathe the star destroyer-lite freighter that used to be the coolest thing in space. It felt good to make a huge change like this, and docking is considerably easier and more enjoyable now. But those torpedoes… damn. Sense of unease intensifies.

submitted by /u/Jupiter67
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Useful Tip for escaping Sentinel ships

If you’re in space and want to escape sentinal interceptors without fighting them, and you’re past the anomaly part of the story, you can summon the anomaly and jump inside, and it will remove your wanted rating.

Space stations work too, but depending on how far away they are, it can be a pain with a disabled pulse drive.

I figured this one out a few weeks ago, and I use it all the time if I’m not in the mood for a prolonged sentinal space fight.

submitted by /u/kane8997
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How did you make your first billion units?

I started playing this game last Christmas and it took awhile for me to get the hang of it. Eventually I found myself drawn to Gravitinos and started farming them exploring between harvests (mostly looking for silver). I learned base building this way and made my first billion units. I know making money isn’t the point of the game but it felt like an accomplishment for me and I was curious how everyone else made their first billion?

submitted by /u/Korenaut
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