NMS HOT POST 2023/10/13

People who troll mission areas just to kill you

Was doing the freighter mission today and having a hard time digging due to it saying can not edit terrain and I’m looking around seeing a base or something is close by and all of a sudden death. Then I come back and I’m like what the heck happened someone killed me and I go to get grave and bam again! Then I come back like couple more times and they are literally killing me as soon I spawn. I’m getting mad . Finally able to get enough time to hop into spaceship and start to fly away and one shot they took me down. After this happens it spawns me further away and I’m able to turn off pvp long enough to get my grave and get out of there. Who does this and why? what’s the point damn ol troll!?

submitted by /u/Puzzled_Static
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Just a PSA to both new players, and to some who may not know already. You can buy two inventory slot...

Basically, starting off can be a bit painful due to low inventory space. And hearing your onboard computer constantly reminding you that there are ‘No free slots in suit inventory’ tends to aggravate somewhat. So to help, make sure to get both inventory slots in every system you visit.

Slot 1: You can buy this from the vendor in the space station. It’s a blue backpack hologram to your right once you exit your ship.

Slot 2: Call in the anomaly and head to the back where the six vending stations are (where you spend salvage data to gain new blueprints). There is another hologram here in the left corner as you walk in.

These will be available in every new system you visit, and the price increases gradually. It’s a great way to stop your onboard computer from bothering you every five minutes.

Fly safe fellow Travellers. o7

submitted by /u/StarWizard_Lothras
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I think NMS is overdoing random ships

Don’t get me wrong – seeing action and life in certain places is great – but it is way too frequent and more importantly, it seems way too random. You discover an uncivilized planet at the edge of the system with a few relics from another era. You want to build your base and discover what is there, but every 2 minutes some spaceships fly around close to the surface… doing what exactly?

I would love it if planets and systems had more meaningful parameters for population/traffic density (for example, there is a huge trading platform, so more ships are flying around). But I also like to discover planets that have not been discovered, where you can have your own “edge of the universe” feeling. It is the same with the frequency of pirate ships or massive freighter spawns when you are in outer space…

it feels like the developers were afraid that the game would feel too empty and as a response just let everything randomly spawn everywhere all the time… Perhaps others like this, but for me, it is killing the immersion

submitted by /u/Darth-D2
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