NMS HOT POST 2024/01/1

I guess I’m a ship hunter now.

As stated in a post earlier this week, I play NMS cyclically. A year on, 6 months to a year off…

I just hopper back in and I LOVE some of the changes and updates since I last played.

Particularly, I love that I can have sentinel ships to match my sentinel freighter. I find the Interceptor class ship so awesome that, after I found one I loved enough to make my main ship, I still just enjoy finding them to see the cool combos out there.

So, I suppose my new main activiy is finding interceptor ships and posting them on NMSGE.

Does anyone have tips for finding these faster?

I've been warping to dissonant systems, using the polyphonic core, and hoping to find Autophage camps with locators. However, tonight I've been to a dozen Autophage signals and they're all exosuit pods or regional waypoints.

Is it just luck of the draw, or is there a way to find camps with ship locators specifically?

submitted by /u/Gh0stC0de
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit



Dragonsreach (Skyrim)

She’s bang on 3000 pieces, but here is my recreation of Dragonsreach from the Skyrim games. I wanted to make the dungeons but there just wasn’t the space unfortunately! I hope you enjoy! Shes in Eissentam, glyphs on one of the pictures. su…

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Do you guys really prefer the old terrain (Pre-NEXT)?

I see a lot of people saying that before NEXT the terrain was better but I kinda like the terrain more now than before, the old terrain generation maybe was more varied but I think it looks way better and prettier now, I played a lot of the old NMS and I really didn’t liked much the terrain at the time, I remember a lot people complained about it too even before NEXT and Atlas Rises.

If they are going to do a reset to the terrain I would like if they keep the terrain that already exist and also add a way to allow the old ones to form as well, or do something that mix both terrains or something completely new.

submitted by /u/SadCupcake7000
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Help me please, I can’t find anything on the remembrance terminal online or any guides that are after the recent update. My problem is I can’t find the remembrance terminal in an abandoned space station. Does anybody have any idea where to find i…

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