NMS HOT POST 2024/03/15

NMS isn’t so much about “what to do” as it is about “how it feels.” And it feels incredible.

NMS isn’t so much about “what to do” as it is about “how it feels.” And it feels incredible.

I’m a day-one player, on and of for the last 8 years. I like the game at launch, but I took a huge break after getting to the center. I tried (and loved) the VR update, but it wasn’t until last year that I started playing again consistently… and my goodness. NMS has really locked in what is special about it. So many games are focused on action set pieces, gunplay, skill development (either the player or the character) grind progression, story, building, or implementation of strategy. NMS does all of these, but doing them isn’t what it’s about, so much as it is about the feeling this game creates, while doing those things. Truly the Space-Feels. The Alien World Feels, the Exploration Feels. The feeling of adventure and the true unknown. As this game continues to grow, so does it also grow in my heart, taking a top spot in my best-games-of-all-time list. I get absolutely lost in No Man’s Sky. It’s the game I’m usually playing. I take breaks from NMS to play other games, but NMS is “the game I’m playing.” If that makes sense. It’s sad to me that some folks will never experience it in its current form because of the rocky launch. They are truly missing out.

submitted by /u/inspiredtobeinspired
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit



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