
As a day 1 player, I scream - Please focus planets and exploration

I have been through the game in nearly all of its permutations for a regular 4 years since launch. Participated in Waking Titan, in theorycrafting, all of it. Still use my day 1 save nearly all the time. I welcomed every new feature with open arms. The expeditions – chef’s kiss. Various features like derelict freighters and changes to base building – great. This patch, from a lore perspective – amazing! The customization and combat features – excellent! Hell, I even got a kick out of some stuff I missed, like the settlements.

But over time, every instance of my return to the game has been less lengthy until I began outright skipping more and more patches (been almost 2 years until I returned to this one) as the one thing I wanted to see in patch notes was nowhere to be seen.

Planet generation and exploration, at present, feel formulaic and sterile.

I don’t even have to visit a cold planet to know what it looks like. it’s the exact same every time with a difference in tree density. I barely have to visit a lush planet as they are mostly recycled between themselves and every single one has superheated storms. With very little difference, I am seeing the exact same generation and planets I have been seeing since around NEXT came out. The very same building blocks. They do not feel like planets, they feel like biomes. Animals are great to ride and befriend, but wild animals behave and look the exact same as in launch – chaotic.

I want to sink my teeth deep into developing my character, my journey, my fleet, my base and my empire. Hell, even finally commit to a galaxy center permadeath run. But what is the point if the exploration feels dead and if I feel like I’ve traversed every single planet a dozen times before? What was supposed to be the main attraction of the game and the expectation of millions of permutations has been, as of now, completely abandoned for the sake of easier introduction of new features in predictable worlds.

So I ask – can Hello Games crown all the great features they introduced over the years with an actual planet and animal generation overhaul? Can they truly give us long term explorers some new wonders to gaze in this endless universe? Can they, at last, provide the universe the depth that matches its width, even at the cost of a universe reset?

I believe they can and I hope they will.

submitted by /u/WildingTenay
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I want them to give flora the "pet" treatment.

What I mean is that I want to be able to take plants that I’ve scanned from other planets and apply them to my base. If I can scale them, all the better.

While we’re at let me breed plants to get neat variations like I can with my pets.

I would also love a “planter” base building part. Literally a wooden crate full of soil I can add plants to. Something I can scale, I would like to be able to have free reign of the depth in which I put the plants into the planter, as opposed to having it all just sit on the top of the soil, so I can make more dynamic plant arrangements.

Would any of this excite anyone else?

submitted by /u/SneakiestNinja71
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Getting started and making friends along the way

Getting started and making friends along the way

“One step for a man are two steps for a Gek”

Just recently got into the game and having a blast!

Started my first settlement, got into pet hunting (currently working on a Space Bee like creature), plopped my first mineral extractor down and farming some sweet copper which I traded on the anomaly for a void egg with a sketchy fellow. Not sure what it does since I try to avoid spoilers but hey…. it said egg so I gotta have it! Landing pad back at the settlement got blocked by a S-Class Ship…. so I bought it, any name suggestions?

Met an other traveller on the anomaly who gifted me with a robotic creature egg after I showed my bee pet. Communicated through basic gestures….. hope he understood how grateful I am. You are part of my story now. Can’t wait to return the favor once my bee matures and starts laying eggs.

So yeah it’s going well…. bit afraid to die again from getting stuck with my ship against a building but I’m confident I got it this time. Taking it slow…. ½ step at a time.

submitted by /u/Lopsided-Rooster2657
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