
Expedition 4 - Emergence Tips (Spoiler Free!)

Having finished the latest expedition twice now (on PS5 and PC), I thought I would jot down some non-spoilery tips for people who have yet to take the plunge. None of these are essential, but they could save you time and frustration.

  1. Spend some time on the starting planet collecting storm crystals for cash. Also pick up any ancient bones you come across; if you’re dedicated, you can knock out one of the later milestones. At the least though you can put a dent in it (and get some more starting cash).
  2. The starting system is wealthy so it’s relatively easy to get an A-class (or even S-class) ship. A 19-slot S-class explorer will run you just under 2M, an A-class is even cheaper. With some S-class hyperdrive upgrades purchased from the ship tech vendor, either will allow you to warp to any rendezvous point (from the previous one) in one jump. Bonus: you won’t have to install the hyperdrive and will probably get launch thruster upgrades.
  3. Also, the starting system’s space station multitool box has a nice B-class alien rifle if you don’t like your starting MT. Simply reload on the station with multiplayer OFF to get it to appear if you don’t see it (it’s around 2M units).
  4. Save three hadal cores and four larval cores (from whispering eggs). You can safely sell/refine any extras.
  5. Any of the various organic “prizes” you get from the milestones can be sold for cash. The fleshy ropes you get from wiping out worm dens can also be safely sold. Don’t let them clog up your inventory! Note: fleshy ropes tend to sell better on space stations than planetside. I leave it up to you if you want to sell the story items, they’re not used for anything but they are unique.
  6. Make use of the generosity of your fellow travelers. Even with multiplayer off, you can still find and visit bases. Use the space station teleporter to find bases that help you gather larval cores or locate a planetary archive.
  7. The starting system (again) has an easy to do derelict freighter. You’ll only need to cap a couple of security drones and can avoid the few turrets. No mucking about with alien egg sacks!
  8. The third rendezvous station sells a wide variety of multitool upgrades.
  9. The only hazard protection you’ll need on the rendezvous planets is extreme heat/fire. You can safely sell any others you find for nanites, although if you find a cold mod it will be useful on the derelict freighter.
  10. Unless you really want to muck around with the Nautilon, you can safely sell the sub upgrades for nanites. However, if you plan on keeping the expedition save as a normal save once you’re done, hang on to them. They’ll make the Dreams of the Deep mission line so much easier.

submitted by /u/citizencoyote
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Just a PSA to both new players, and to some who may not know already. You can buy two inventory slot...

Basically, starting off can be a bit painful due to low inventory space. And hearing your onboard computer constantly reminding you that there are ‘No free slots in suit inventory’ tends to aggravate somewhat. So to help, make sure to get both inventory slots in every system you visit.

Slot 1: You can buy this from the vendor in the space station. It’s a blue backpack hologram to your right once you exit your ship.

Slot 2: Call in the anomaly and head to the back where the six vending stations are (where you spend salvage data to gain new blueprints). There is another hologram here in the left corner as you walk in.

These will be available in every new system you visit, and the price increases gradually. It’s a great way to stop your onboard computer from bothering you every five minutes.

Fly safe fellow Travellers. o7

submitted by /u/StarWizard_Lothras
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This game is dangerous (in a good way?)

I have picked up the game again after a break of a year or so… I just played from about 11 am to 10 pm, then too a 2 hour break, then played from 12am to 4 am. I don’t even know if I enjoy the game a great deal compared to my other favorites. There’s just… something about it that makes me want to go on and on and on. I just ended by claiming my first planetary colony thingy which is not something I even knew was in the game. There’s so much badly designed stuff (the galaxy map, terminus menu, dialogue menu, managing multiple starships, unable to sell useless multitools, etc.) and glitchy stuff (animals knocking me miles away, no consequence for raiding freighters, sentinels never lose track of me, etc.) that for any other game I would’ve gotten fed up and stopped playing, but something about this game keeps me glued to the screen even when I never play any other game past 1 am. The feeling I get seeing my freighter fleet warp in is indescribable….

pls send help

submitted by /u/Succmyspace
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Mock of how the exosuit UI should present stats

Mock of how the exosuit UI should present stats

The UI does not show actual stats, so we can’t tell

  • if adjacencies are working without manually testing each upgrade
  • how long a jetpack lasts and how long it takes to recharge
  • how long we can sprint and how ling it takes to recharge
  • how much shields we actually have
  • how long the S class environment protection upgrades last

To solve this, the UI should show the actual values:


submitted by /u/SkyHiRider
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I have too many ships.

I have too many ships.

I found a sentinel ship I liked and had to scrap another ship before I could claim it. I’m realizing that I dont need all the ships I have, and I want to change things up. At the same time I dont want to just scrap them (because they’re pretty). So I figured I would offer them up on here.

A starborn runner (name is different because its the one I did the expedition with), and 2 living ships that I can’t remember the coords to.

I’m not sure if ship trading is still working or not, so let me know if this isn’t possible. Otherwise just dm me which one you want and we’ll work things out. I’ll be online for a little while.

submitted by /u/diydm
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