
I am only 30 hours in to No Man's Sky and I start messing around with people in the anomoly-

A guy I met brings me to a base he has next to an S Class Start ship, and something on his base hit me with some heat laser shit and I started dying over and over and I lost all of my inventory lmao I’ve recently learned about how lots of players can have crazy stuff on them and there is a lesson about who to trust when going into their base, these guys make Indiana Jones trap type shit lol

submitted by /u/Statbran
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Is This a Game you can Reasonably Play Casually?

Hey all! I last played No Man’s Sky when the Next update was fresh. Back then I had a lot of free time to put into the game, but it always felt like it was a game that you could play casually and still have fun.

Nowadays grad school has stolen the majority of my free time, and most of my regular games are so overwhelmingly large it never feels like I can play for an hour or two per day and still have a decent time. That being said, I’m looking for a new main game that’s more compatible with my hell schedule. Is NMS a game that could fit that bill, or should I continue my search? Thanks in advance for your time and consideration!! 💚

submitted by /u/uberscoot557
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was doing some research and ran into this which could help a lot of people. Thank you unknown Reddit...

My phone goofed and I can’t seem to find out who it was or where it was from, but this is helpful information.

“A complete listing of all possible types of planets which can generate and a system to classify them, based on my observations of 150 star systems

Everyone knows that there are seven biomes, right? Well, kind of. Today I’m going to explain my system for classifying planets, and list every type of planet that can exist.

Seven basic biomes: these can occur in Standard [STD] or Extreme [XTR], and can be low-security or high-security [HS]. In space, XTR planets can be determined from scans by whether or not their chromatic metal [copper, cadmium, emeril, indium] is marked as “activated.” Activated chromatic metals only occur on XTR planets. This means there are seven biomes, two extreme-ness levels [except for airless], and two security levels, for a total of 26 basic types.

  1. Humid [paraffinium, star bulb]
  2. Cold Desert [pyrite, cactus flesh]
  3. Hot Desert [phosphorous, solanium]
  4. Frozen [dioxite, frost crystal]
  5. Irradiated [uranium, gamma weed]
  6. Toxic [ammonia, fungal cluster]
  7. Airless

Next, each planet can have three different types of ocean level:

  1. Type P [Pangaea] – planets with no water at all [all moons are Type P by default]
  2. Type O [Ocean] – planets with oceans but still with large continents
  3. Type A [Archipelagic] – planets dominated by water with only small, island landmasses

Last, each planet can have five levels of hostile animal activity [this is a qualitative scale, not a quantitative one]

  1. Zero stars – no predators recorded
  2. One star – Predators exist but attacks rare or non-existent
  3. Two stars – Predators exist and attack occasionally
  4. Three stars – Predators exist and attack often, interfering with other activities
  5. Four stars – Predators attack so frequently it is difficult to engage in other activities

There are also anomalous planets. These come in two large categories, anomalous and exotic:

  • Anomalous planets: Always Type P, only have one species which never changes between iterations. There are 10 subtypes: Bubble, shards, beams of light, tall robots, techno ruins, hexagon world, mechanical mushrooms, shells, and giant concrete spores,.
  • Exotic planets: can be of any ocean type, normal or extreme weather, high or low security, and have a normal complement of flora and fauna species. There are, to my knowledge, six subtypes that overlap somewhat:
  1. Mega Aquatic – contains extremely large versions of underwater flora
  2. Mega Toxic – contains massive versions of flora from toxic worlds. Mega Toxic worlds aren’t actually toxic though
  3. Mega Humid – contains massive versions of flora from humid planets.
  4. Mega Desert – contains massive versions of flora from Hot Desert planets. Has normal temperatures though
  5. Boundary failure – contains only large, ringed mechanical structures
  6. Stone ring world – contains large stone rings. May occur with colossal flora as well.

This system can be used to quickly classify any planet:

  • HS Xtr Toxic (A)*** = a high-security extreme toxic planet mostly covered in oceans, with relatively high predator danger
  • Std. Frozen (P) = A regular-weather, low-security ice planet with no water or predators
  • HS Std Mega Humid Anomaly (O)* = A high-security exotic biome planet with massive palm trees, oceans, continental landmasses, and predatory creatures which don’t attack the player”

I would love to give credit so if anyone knows who it was that made the original post I will credit them the moment I find out. Hope this helps 🙂

submitted by /u/Beerdididiot
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What should I buy first?

I was playing last night and found some technology worth 15.6 million each. I had a whole stack of 10 that I sold for over 155 million. I’m on my first playthrough (about 5 hours of play time) and was wondering what I should do with my sudden surplus of units. I’m already hunting for a better ship and multi tool but I’m unsure of what else to buy or save for

submitted by /u/LordofShadows333
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Just like old times

Just like old times

This game man 💕

I was going to collect salvage data and decided to do it in my first planet. When we began to roam it felt like home, a lot has changed, a lot of distance that I travelled, so upgraded compared to when we’re here, gathering salvage data in a slow paced unlike the early days when I used to rush things, collecting a lot of materials under a minute.

The sun is setting, my minotaur and I spent the rest of the night in our “campfire” then we walked down to memory lane until the sun says good morning again

But fr I just took a lot of photos while collecting my salvage data and when camping, but I always imagine my traveler is having a laugh or a deep convo with my minotaur when having an adventure together lel. I just really love immersing my self and doing role plays.

submitted by /u/Cozzy-Bear
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