NMS HOT POST 2024/04/16


I mean this game was torn apart on release. I bought it on sale from the Xbox store 8 days ago. I have 60 hrs played so far. ABSOLUTLY one of the best games I've played. I am a starfield fan. I got the ultimate pre-ordered for it. I have 600 hrs in it. Its a very good game. But No mans sky is the real space explorer. The possibilities in nms are far beyond Starfield. I'm not knocking starfield at all, please dont think I am. I'm comparing my experience and its in favor of nms being a better game. I am SUPER impressed! I will pre order nms 2. That is all thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/Dragonbourn00
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


TIL: Nintendo has a history of impossible space exploration game ports.

I’m so surprised by No Man’s Sky on the Switch. It’s playable and not really all that limited. If, as Hello Games teased, multiplayer could get added, it would be an even more amazing feat.

Will I be sticking with Switch as the main driver for NMS? I’m not sure. It’s very serviceable though.

But, as I was looking into inspirations for No Man’s Sky today, I came across Elite. I had no idea, but Elite was ported to the NES. They had to do some work around in the cartridge. I know the OG Elite isn’t the same as games like Elite: Dangerous or No Man’s Sky…but man seeing 3D graphics on an NES (drawn wire frames) is interesting..and the game is still open ended and large in scope. It probably blew people’s minds!

I’m really happy Hello Games did port to the Switch. It’s a very nice way to dip my toes into this amazing, amazing game.

submitted by /u/AcidCatfish___
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続きを読む シェア


Do you guys really prefer the old terrain (Pre-NEXT)?

I see a lot of people saying that before NEXT the terrain was better but I kinda like the terrain more now than before, the old terrain generation maybe was more varied but I think it looks way better and prettier now, I played a lot of the old NMS and I really didn’t liked much the terrain at the time, I remember a lot people complained about it too even before NEXT and Atlas Rises.

If they are going to do a reset to the terrain I would like if they keep the terrain that already exist and also add a way to allow the old ones to form as well, or do something that mix both terrains or something completely new.

submitted by /u/SadCupcake7000
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