Does anybody else think that there are way too many Asteroids in Space?

I had been wondering about why the scale of Asteroids seems so off when comparing Photo mode to actual gameplay and I’ve finally put my finger on it; the Asteroids grow as you get closer to them. This happens as a sort of transition as the Asteroids load in, but the way that it is done makes it simply look like the Asteroids are far smaller than they are. When combined with the fact that, in the voxel-asteroids, the ship’s lasers make a hole at least 10 times the size of the ship makes the scale of asteroids really ambiguous.

I think a great solution to this could be there being fewer Asteroids in Space. The smaller Asteroid types could be restricted to the rings on planets and Asteroid fields, while the larger, voxel-asteroids would be able to be found in Space. These asteroids would be slightly larger than they currently are, and the crater made by the ship’s guns would be much, much smaller (only 1.5 times the size of the ship). These asteroids would be able to be found by scanning for them in Space, and would hold 1 or 2 types of minerals. The smaller number of Asteroids would remove the need for a low draw distance, fixing the scale problem. This would also resemble the E3 trailers more, as the Asteroids seen in those trailers would never undergo the ‘shrinking’ or ‘growing’ transition, making them seem much larger.

submitted by /u/Kylelectro
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