Well played, Hello Games: My Observation

Short context to appease my ADHD: I played on Xbox and loved NMS Got through entire story Made my choice for Artemis Kids wrecked my system Bought it again for switch not long ago

After playing a little bit of the story again and choosing a different dialogue route than the first time I’ve played. It fits narratively that I’m aware and choose options that I’m a Traveler or a friend entity. That I’m sorry for abandoning Artemis.

But I’ll be honest, I’ve been distracted with Omega and haven’t progressed the story to meet Artemis (the completion bug has me stuck). So to pass the time until the update I’ll spend inordinate amounts of time on planets and bases and I’ll see the marks left by other players as well. However… I see no players.

After looking into this some. The Switch doesn’t feature a multiplayer. At which point things come full circle…

I chose Artemis’ fate. It is now my fate.

I don’t think I mind wandering the stars endlessly in this loop. But I think that I would need my Traveler-Friend to at least level with me. If I get back to Xbox I will at least let Artemis know what’s become of her. I’ve just gotta get back. I am the last.

Can -kzzzzzt- help -bzzzzzt- find my way back? -krrrrt-


submitted by /u/unsung_bard976
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We did it!

Rendezvous 5 has been 100% scanned, the achievement has just come through. Well done everybody! Edit: it looks like we’re all receiving the same glitch when accepting the reward. Everyone report it to hello games! submitted by /u/ChickenC…

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