NMS HOT POST 2022/02/4

Weekly Bug Report Thread

This thread is followed by Hello Games. Please add your bug reports to this thread. You can also report bugs to Hello Games at the Zendesk. Before reporting a bug be sure you have installed the latest Patch or Hot Fix, information is located on this page. Please include platform and version.

This weekly thread is to help keep bug reports manageable. It is a scheduled weekly thread and not related to any specific release. You do not have to repost bugs to this post if you have already reported them on a previous post.

submitted by /u/spiper01
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Please oh please Hello Games bring back planetary entry that looks like this!... 🙏

Please oh please Hello Games bring back planetary entry that looks like this!... 🙏

This is one of the things that I think Hello Games got right even from the start. But somehow I think either they removed, or made very rare. Planetary entry where the planet starts to look like a photo of the surface the more you descend into it, and up until you reach the ground and land it looks like that photo and doesn’t break the illusion. Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen do this so well. No Man’s Sky did it well too until they started adding that weird blue glow on the whole planet and completely white glowing clouds that appear when you enter the atmosphere even when you’re in the night portion. It doesn’t seem to make sense to me and it breaks the illusion. This video is from 6 years ago and I hope it’s not a case of “it wasn’t broke but we fixed it”. This is one of THE biggest selling points for a space game for me: the beauty of a planet being essentially a spherical photo of what you’re going to land on up to the point you make touchdown. Please Hello Games, since you’re so into improving the game indefinitely.. grant a space fanboy this wish.

Beautiful. Credit to original owner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZgedhq_iBg&list=PLhc7jupK0jnEaEE3gg809UbEAw0JTi4wU&index=14

submitted by /u/Procrastinator_23
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続きを読む シェア

As a former ED player the new space combat is a massive step forward.

Just want to say that adding the ability to toggle power to your shields/weapons etc.. while basic in comparison to other space Sims. It’s a massive step in the right direction.

I used to play a lot of elite dangerous and this is something I missed from space combat. I often felt like no man’s sky was a glorified version of space invaders where I was battling the equivalent to space gnats. A mediocre distraction at best.

Being able to engage in huge space battles, battle and destoy pirate freighters and have to think about it a bit more while having to tactically assign power to your systems is the first time I’ve seen Hello Games add genuine depth to one of the core systems. It’s a massive step forward for players who want expanded deeper gameplay.

I’m hoping this continues into exploration.. crafting and deeper mechanics for the other systems.

submitted by /u/Jtenka
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続きを読む シェア

A review from the heart after 40 hours of gametime!

I’d like to begin by saying how much joy this game has brought me over the last 40 or so hours.

Perhaps one day I’ll get bored once I feel like I’ve seen everything, but I just continue to be blown away by this game. The variety in systems, planets, flora and fauna (not to mention ships) is just outstanding.

I keep stopping every 15-20 mins to take a picture of another incredible view, whether its a new planet from afar, or a sunset from the surface, or even a weird carbon structure. All the planets feel and look so, so different, if only slightly, and even individual planets look and feel completely different depending on the time of day and weather. I absolutely love this about the game. The cave systems are also amazing, and the transition from surface to space and space to surface is so, so seamless. And even though I realize the game is procedural, and that fact is fairly obvious, it feels as though it has been done in a way that captures the spontaneous and infinite nature of the universe.

I don’t mean to gush, but I am truly blown away. On top of all I’ve said, the music, the NPCs, even the story has me totally gripped. There is something this game that has had a truly profound effect on me.

Thank you Hello Games.

P.S. Please add ship lights we can switch on and off, and please make it so the weather outside doesn’t appear to be inside the cockpit of our ships!

submitted by /u/FrankTN94
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続きを読む シェア


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