NMS HOT POST 2023/07/20

🍃Nip -n- Lounge🍃 featuring a "ponderfall" 😏

🍃Nip -n- Lounge🍃 featuring a "ponderfall" 😏

Feel free to stop by, located in Euclid. There are also some other great builds here to check out as well.

Ponderfall = a mix between a waterfall & a pond 😏 It's centered in the lounge. Grab ya some NipNip & enjoy the views.

submitted by /u/ChestnutJewel02
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


The life of a frigate captain

I just love how your frigate expeditions are having adventures worthy of Star Trek while you do mundane stuff like base-building and resource-gathering.

And when they hand in their report, you just skim it quickly and move on to the next report.

Frigate captain, pulling up his mission report: “While on a pirate-hunting patrol, we resolved a hostage situation and turned in the criminals to the local authorities, netting us 350,000 units. But then a system-wide civil war broke out, so we helped one side win and they rewarded us with some Vy’keen effigies. We then invested in the system’s recovering industry and turned a profit of 407%. Afterwards, we warped to the next system just in time to witness a supernova up close, allowing us to gather valuable data about–“

Me, a billionaire, busy building my luxurious base on a nice tropical planet: “Yeah, yeah, whatever, dump it all over there.”

submitted by /u/-Guardsman-
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Presenting the capital of the First Galactic Empire!

Presenting the capital of the First Galactic Empire!


I welcome all, new and old players, to the Imperial Capital City! We have spent many many weeks building this city for hundreds of people (and the residential area isn’t even done yet) but I feel the time is right to show it to the world! Come on down to the First Galactic Empire if you wish to become a contributor to the expansion of our glorious city! Once the residential complex(es) are done, anyone who wishes to can make this their permanent residence! As a side note, we wish to recruit anyone who is an expert in combat, as well as wanting to become a Stormtrooper! We are accepting any applicants for the Armed Forces.

submitted by /u/Agitated-Ad-4032
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