
Lame base-ruiners

Lame base-ruiners

I honestly don’t understand the appeal of ruining such a chill game.

You spend hours building a base, something you think would be fun and interesting for other players to visit, and then POW— you log in for another session and some crotchmonkey has built his weak prefab base right in the middle of yours. Twice now.

Apparently the trick they use is setting up their base juuust outside yours, and building into it.I’ll probably get in trouble for leaving this appropriate message next the their base computer, but whatever– my base is ruined anyway.

An update would be nice, Hello Games.


submitted by /u/PizzaRohz
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A Portal on Every Planet? Math doesn't check out...

I read somewhere that every planet has a portal on it. According to the advertising and the in-game dialog, there are over 18 quintillion planets in NMS total.

If the portal has 16 glyphs to choose from, and there are 12 glyphs in a portal address, that should be 16^12, which is over 281 trillion different portal addresses. So I read somewhere else there are 256 galaxies, and the portals are only intra-galaxy (cannot portal you to a different galaxy than the source), so if we multiply 281 trillion by 256, we get roughly 72 quadrillion portal addresses spread over the 256 galaxies. That’s 3 orders of magnitude shy of 18 quintillion.

Is some of this information incorrect, or am I missing something else? Or could it be that not every planet has a portal? I would think some of the barren ones might not, since they seem to have no other buildings, but I don’t usually spend much time on them.

I would think it’s not realistically possible for anyone to scour an entire planet manually searching for a portal, so it would be extremely difficult to visually prove that no portal exists on any given planet, but unless some of those numbers are wrong, I would think it has to be that some planets don’t contain portals.

Just feeling extra math-nerdy tonight, and was curious if anyone had any information about the claim that every planet had a portal.

submitted by /u/kane8997
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Possible bug, may need some help (spoiler warning)

So just did my first reset ( well first for some time, last played YEARS ago) anyways, i rest and was given a new starter ship instead of the one I had, ( its repair requires for key functions components that I dont have access to at all as they are only on corrupted worlds) So I cant take off. Figured, I’d just swap it out at my freighter, build a base teleport up, and none of my ships are available.

submitted by /u/gatekey56
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My first portal encounter

I look so small but this game is so pretty. I only re-downloaded it about a month ago, after uninstalling when it first released and I have to say, I’m glad I waited. This is my first encounter with a portal so I have been a little bit slower t…

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