PATCH 2018/07/27

NEXT PATCH 1.52 | 日本語パッチノート


  • 部分的に修復された技術を保存したプレイヤーのために、より多くのセーブゲームを復元する問題を修正
  • 壊れた技術の一部を修復したプレイヤーが、修理のやりとりに間違ったアイテムを持つという問題を修正
  • 水中基地のプレイヤーが間違ったアニメーションを再生する問題を修正
  • 貨物船がワーピングに十分な燃料を持っていないと誤って報告した問題を修正
  • ベースビルディングシステムのクラッシュを修正
  • ガベージコレクションの改善と物理的なメモリ占有面積の削減
  • アニメーションの時折のクラッシュを防止
  • 空間からの惑星テクスチャのメモリフットプリントを減らす
  • PS4のみ:いくつかの特定のタイムゾーンで見られるいくつかの安定性の問題を解決



Two seater ships should be a thing

Playing multiplayer sessions has injected a fresh boost into my NMS playthrough, I’m now having regular weekly sessions with a friend in the next town over and we’ll often talk though the week about the plan for the next session.

During our last session, my friend was getting tired of flying his ship, but wanted to keep shooting pirates in system. I prefer to fly the ships and don’t have much patience with space combat in this game. So suddenly the idea of the two seater ships enters the conversation – wouldn’t it be cool if that was a thing? After all, we’re usually flying around together making mischief but the idea of a dedicated gunner holds some merit in the context of the multiplayer experience. Maybe this could be possible with something that amounts to a bomber class vessel?

submitted by /u/MoD1982
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続きを読む シェア

NMS really needs to update the flight mechanics.

If you’ve ever played star citizen then you might agree. Star citizen completely blows NMS out of the water in terms of ship flight. There are many things NMS could do such as, allow for complete stops and not just a constant idle speed. Allow decoupled mode as in star citizen to allow for more maneuvers in zero gravity. Personally when I’m fighting pirates I just sit in one spot and tank them until they’re all taken out. There is no point to even trying to move while fighting them.

This is my biggest issue in the game, the flight is totally outdated. I play on steam now but still have my original pre ordered ps4 copy. Love the game but I would really enjoy this being the next big update. I dont think anything else could improve the game more than this would.

submitted by /u/CBRady600F4i
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I Finally made it to the centre of the galaxy.

I Finally made it to the centre of the galaxy.

So as the title says I’m ready to head to the centre of the galaxy and wonders what comes next. My friend says you got to start all over again but surely that’s not right. If so what’s the point in that? If not can I explore the centre? Is there planets there? Someone tell me hes lying. I don’t think I got another 300hrs of warping and farming in me.

submitted by /u/-Doomwood
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