
Why did you choose NMS?

My cousins are in town and were giving me the business for playing NMS….they are Star Citizen bros. I wanted to know why you guys choose to play NMS and if there are any other space related games that you enjoy Thanks and Merry Christmas Interlopers,…

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Two Questions:

1st – Does anyone actually fly an Explorer? Is there a reason to flying an Explorer? I can see the merit to flying a Hauler, when you’re doing a trade route. You can pack a whole lot more commodities into its hull, making for greater profit. And, obviously, the Fighter lets you kill things faster.

As I understand it, the Exotics and Solars are basically improved Fighters, but are harder to find. And I presume Sentinel ships are similarly so. So, I can see good reason to fly a Fighter (or Fighter “variant”) frequently, given how often space battles happen.

But, is there a real benefit to using an Explorer? I get that they have a bonus to the distance they can warp, but… is that actually worth while? With a few mods, any other ship seems to get a pretty respectable distance, too. If I warp into a system and suddenly find myself in a battle that I want to take part in, can my Explorer still compete (assuming I’ve got adequate weapons and mods installed) or am I forced to find a space station, teleport home, swap ships, and then teleport back if I want to fight something… which, obviously, likely means the fight is over when I get back.

Or is the only purpose to flying an Explorer skipping systems and covering extensive distances quickly i.e. warp to furthest system, arriving, then immediately repeating the process x number of times, without stopping. What about the Freighter? I feel like a ship that size should have a hefty distance it can travel, but I’ve never fiddled with them much so I don’t know the extent of their warping capabilities.

2nd – Is there ANY other, more efficient way of farming Di-Hydrogen and/or Tritium? Or is manually grinding it for an hour the only method? Yes, I’m aware Di-Hydrogen can be crafted into Jelly and then crafted back into DH for a profit, but, considering the time it takes to do so, for the amount gained, I see grinding it a far more efficient method. Is there no collector that can be used to farm these two vital resources?

submitted by /u/LSilvador
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Instead of a big content update, HG really should do a giant bug fix and quality of life update.

I appreciate how much HG has put into NMS, not that unpopular of an opinion. Though, one thing that still REALLY irks me with NMS is the bugs, and I wish they gotten fixed sooner. Not really much else to say here, but I’ll suggest some big bug fixes and QOL features to be implemented.

  1. Planetary Zoology: This feature could be fun, but finding an underground creature is metaphorically impossible, and finding a third underwater creature is LITERALLY impossible. No kidding, there’s a bug that prevents the third, fourth and so on underwater fauna from being spawned. Wouldn’t hurt to tweak underground spawning to be less of waiting around twiddling your thumbs too.

  2. Exosuit mute: I beg of you, very specific situation, but when building an underwater base on an extreme cold planet, the exosuit NEVER shut up. It made me incredibly annoyed and stressed due to the sheer amount of times it said the same message over and over “Extreme temperature detected” “Extreme water temperature detected” “Thermal protection falling” “Extreme temperature detected” “Extreme cold damage detected” It fucks with me a lot.

  3. A big one, saving edited terrain: I don’t know why HG can’t do this, if its a limitation in code I completely understand, but I’m sure every interloper would love this change.

  4. Egg sequencer: Would it kill for the display to say what color it will be instead of “unstable”? very minor change but I love the egg sequencer.

  5. Rocket boots: THE MOST ANNOYING THING FOR ME BY FAR. When im trying to climb up something but the rocket boots just keep jumping up instead of satisfyingly rising up. Why can’t they make it so rocket boots and only be initiated by ONLY double tapping? whenever you land and you’re holding space, it makes you jump anyway!

Those are just some features I’d like to tweak, there are many minor bugs that I would like this update to be dedicated to, like floating on chairs for some reason? Anyway, please do put any suggestions in comments that I didn’t even think about.

submitted by /u/durabledog0
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What Do I Do? (Etiquette Help Please)

I just started the game two days ago. No clue what I’m doing. I just made it to the place you can go to tp to community highlights. Anyway, so I’m in what appears to be to me as some actual other person’s star system (a community highlight base, it’s very nice!). Dude discovered it like 2 years ago per the discovery tab. Anyway, I’m exploring his digs, land at what I thought was another of his/her/their bases and the game starts telling me about a distress signal at what seems to be some sort of village and I’m needing to respond/react. Am I messing up this person’s system? How do I back out? I don’t want to trash one of his 5 planets with my noobie chaos….

submitted by /u/anyeharmnone
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When did the amount of frigates you can own change?

I have had this save for a couple years. The last time I played this save i remember selling a couple C class frigates to make more room for better ones. I recently started playing again and I picked up where i left off, buying frigates. But I was not able to buy any becouse the ”buy icon” wouldnt show up. Anyways I found out you can own a maximum of 30 frigates. I curently own 31 and I asume at some point I was up to 37. When did they change this?

submitted by /u/Daan-Bakbanaan
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