
Am I the only one that gets tired of the "mile wide, inch deep" crowd?

I agree that everyone has things they would love to see in NMS. Mine is actual humanoid enemies. The game is also very easy as games go, but that hardly means it lacks depth.

The frigate missions read like synopsis shorts of star trek episodes and get my brain imagining all sorts of wild imagery of the adventure my frigate crews embarked on.

The lore is actually pretty in depth and fleshy when you really start reading all of the artifact descriptions and looking into the lore of the game.

You can see NPC’s mining in space, can literally roll up on your frigates while they are out on missions. It would be cool to see them actually doing things, but that’s what a little imagination is for.

You can be a pirate, a fleet captain, an overseer of a town where you can see NPC’s running about with thought bubbles that flesh out what they are up to (I feel like dying on the hill that you don’t see them actually doing anything is just saying you lack imagination and want the game to think for you), a bounty hunter, a worker for your local space station, a member of the Anomaly. The list goes on.

Yes, I get that the stuff to do becomes repetitive, but honestly what game doesn’t.

Personally there is no game like No mans sky or has the amount of stuff to do that NMS provides in the way that it does. With more updates to come and no end in sight with continuous new stuff to do, it just seems like people are creating an illusion that the game is shallow to convince themselves it’s not worth playing.

Rant over.

submitted by /u/Maxpowers2009
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That AtlasPass v3 door in space stations... [SPOILER]

OK, apologies if this is a worn topic; I’m fairly new to the game and still discovering things.

Early on when I was learning my way around space stations, I found that room off the side of the technology merchants’ area, with a little hallway leading to a locked door that said “AltasPass v3 Required”. My interest was piqued. I eventually found the recipe for an AtlasPass v3 and saw that it needed Emeril. So I looked up Emeril and found that it can only be found on planets around green stars, and that required a special update to my ship’s hyperdrive. Now I was really interested! Something that takes that much work must have an interesting reward, right?

So I eventually got my hyperdrive upgraded, visited a green star, found an Emeril deposit on a planet, and mined it. Crafted my pass, and I was good to go.

The next station I visited, I ran straight to that door, opened it, and… WTF? A hydroponics garden? That’s it?

I felt a bit like Ralphie in A Christmas Story when he finally decoded his Ovaltine message. Is that really all there is to this room? Does the AtlasPass v3 have other uses?

No complaints here, it pushed me to explore a little more which is part of the point of this game. I just thought it was a little weird to have to go to so much trouble for such a pointless room.

submitted by /u/diamond
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A Portal on Every Planet? Math doesn't check out...

I read somewhere that every planet has a portal on it. According to the advertising and the in-game dialog, there are over 18 quintillion planets in NMS total.

If the portal has 16 glyphs to choose from, and there are 12 glyphs in a portal address, that should be 16^12, which is over 281 trillion different portal addresses. So I read somewhere else there are 256 galaxies, and the portals are only intra-galaxy (cannot portal you to a different galaxy than the source), so if we multiply 281 trillion by 256, we get roughly 72 quadrillion portal addresses spread over the 256 galaxies. That’s 3 orders of magnitude shy of 18 quintillion.

Is some of this information incorrect, or am I missing something else? Or could it be that not every planet has a portal? I would think some of the barren ones might not, since they seem to have no other buildings, but I don’t usually spend much time on them.

I would think it’s not realistically possible for anyone to scour an entire planet manually searching for a portal, so it would be extremely difficult to visually prove that no portal exists on any given planet, but unless some of those numbers are wrong, I would think it has to be that some planets don’t contain portals.

Just feeling extra math-nerdy tonight, and was curious if anyone had any information about the claim that every planet had a portal.

submitted by /u/kane8997
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