NMS HOT POST 2022/02/16

Patch notes: SENTINEL / from startup screen

No Man's Sky SENTINEL brings a vast array of new features. For full details please see www.nomanssky.com.

  • 4 new varieties of Sentinel make combat more exciting and strategic.

  • Sentinels are smarter than ever, with improved navigation and the ability to deploy shields.

  • New weapons offer advanced capabilities such as enemy paralysis and damage over time.

  • A new mission chain deepens Sentinel lore and introduces personal robotic companions to fight alongside you.

  • Ominous Sentinel Pillars contain new stories, secrets, and the power to sabotage Sentinel patrols.

  • Multi-Tool slots have increased from 3 to 6, and Companion slots have increased from 6 to 18.

Hello Games has been hard at work to improve and expand No Man's Sky. We hope you enjoy. 🙂 Thank you so much, Hello Games

Found o. Startup screen.

submitted by /u/mvallas1073
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


Fractal 4.14

Hello everyone, Thank you to everyone playing the Fractal Update, especially those taking the time to report any issues they encounter via Zendesk or console crash reporting. We are listening closely to your feedback, and have identified and resolved a number of issues. These fixes are included in patch 4.14, which is live on Steam…. View Article

The post Fractal 4.14 appeared first on No Man’s Sky.

続きを読む シェア

The moment I landed and set my eyes on this planet, I decided to build my base on it!

The moment I landed and set my eyes on this planet, I decided to build my base on it!

No man’s sky never fails to amaze for sure! I encountered this planet for the first time in my many hours of playing NMS! I couldn’t contain my happiness and jumped around these bubbles.. I also found a bunch of strange biological entities too.

If anybody is interested, here is the link to the video: https://youtu.be/Th1riiUODu0?si=4TBxVAOSDlI7QV1N

submitted by /u/PagePsychological142
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続きを読む シェア

I think I'm a little invested in this game . . .

I’m playing this morning, cataloging animals, when I spot a Predator Diplo standing over two dead Grazer Diplos. Yeah I know, circle of life and all that; it didn’t stop me from killing the Predator anyway. Sometimes it just bothers me, maybe because the prey is often cute.

So three dead animals are sitting on the ice and snow and part of me thinks “I don’t like this, just leaving them out like this”. So through a combination of digging under them and Creating terrain over them, I effectively buried them.

I don’t think Hello Games ever thought about players doing that . . .

submitted by /u/Wombat21x
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続きを読む シェア

the worst part of the patch isn't the tech stacking change

That is only the 2nd worst part.

The worst part is having TECH at the TOP of the F#*$ing inventory.

Even with removable tech, it is not going to be changing enough to be positioned at the top.

It should be underneath the main inventory so we don’t have to scroll past it to get to the stuff at the bottom of the inventory.

edit: forgot to add, the THIRD worst change is the loss of the manual save.

We can still make manual saves, but it is overwritten by exiting a vehicle.

We only have 2 options, the autosave which we have no control over, and either manual save/exit ship whichever comes later. No more leaving an old manual save in case of emergency or backup.

submitted by /u/Saoshen
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続きを読む シェア

I love that exploring is now a valid way to get nanites

The increased pay for discovering all fauna on a planet is something that pulled me back into the game recently. I’m the kind of guy who explores and scans as much as he can on *every* planet of *every* system I come across (except for the systems I join from the Nexus) because I like it, and with 3 S class scanner upgrades, it’s always been my main way of making money in this game. And now, it’s also a legit way to get a ton of Nanites when getting all the fauna.

Thank you Hello Games.

I have two side notes regarding fauna though. First, I’m not exactly sure when they added that, but I never really noticed that some creatures were only found in north or south of a planet. It’s a nice touch I think. Second there are still creatures that are definitely not spawning as the discovery page says. I have a planet on my home system that just won’t spawn the last fauna… which would give me 2 250 nanites.

submitted by /u/BonomDenej
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続きを読む シェア


Will they/do they repeat older expeditions again?

Played NMS when it first came out, wasn’t impressed given the hype, dripped in and out, blah blah blah,

Only to dive headlong into the game last year while recovering from a partial tear of the ol achilles tendon.

The grind was real, toally worth it, and I’m reaping the rewards, but gosh darn it, I would LOVE to get my hands on some of the past expedition loot.

submitted by /u/Mukables
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続きを読む シェア

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