
As a former ED player the new space combat is a massive step forward.

Just want to say that adding the ability to toggle power to your shields/weapons etc.. while basic in comparison to other space Sims. It’s a massive step in the right direction.

I used to play a lot of elite dangerous and this is something I missed from space combat. I often felt like no man’s sky was a glorified version of space invaders where I was battling the equivalent to space gnats. A mediocre distraction at best.

Being able to engage in huge space battles, battle and destoy pirate freighters and have to think about it a bit more while having to tactically assign power to your systems is the first time I’ve seen Hello Games add genuine depth to one of the core systems. It’s a massive step forward for players who want expanded deeper gameplay.

I’m hoping this continues into exploration.. crafting and deeper mechanics for the other systems.

submitted by /u/Jtenka
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I am absolutely blown away by how good this runs on Switch

I’ve got about 2000 hours between Xbox and PC. I bought the Switch version on launch and it was so-so. I mean I didn’t really expect MUCH in the way of performance.

Must have been one of the recent updates, but holy HELL how did the developers do this!? Between game engine optimization and the raw talent of the HG team, I am beside myself.

I don’t want to reach too deep into my pocket full of dreams but I hope Light No Fire comes to Switch as well. I was literally about to sell my OLED last week until I fired up NMS again.

submitted by /u/WoodenTeef
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