
I really HATE how the space battle system works. You're always the enemy no matter what

New player here that started a week ago. Today I warped into another system and a freighter fleet was being attacked by pirates. Ok, I’ll be your savior! Almost die in a firefight with SEVEN enemies, and what happens at the end? “Civilian fleet engaged. sentinels on route” um what? I just SAVED YOU from the pirates trying to kill you, and your thanks is… Sicking these damn robots on me? Let me guess why… A stray laser hit your shield while I was barrel rolling in 19 different directions fending off these pirates… FOR FREE! I didn’t last much longer being out of fuel and 15% shield left, but I’m sure those very nice traders made good use of my scrap metal from my ship.

Yeah, it’s a hard pass from me, from now on, yall enjoy being a smoldering wreck on the ground.

submitted by /u/InevitableTraining69
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I am absolutely blown away by how good this runs on Switch

I’ve got about 2000 hours between Xbox and PC. I bought the Switch version on launch and it was so-so. I mean I didn’t really expect MUCH in the way of performance.

Must have been one of the recent updates, but holy HELL how did the developers do this!? Between game engine optimization and the raw talent of the HG team, I am beside myself.

I don’t want to reach too deep into my pocket full of dreams but I hope Light No Fire comes to Switch as well. I was literally about to sell my OLED last week until I fired up NMS again.

submitted by /u/WoodenTeef
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