NMS HOT POST 2023/04/28

I found the portal on a dissonant planet so thought I’d make a base there. Then I thought it might be cool to make it look like a temple or something. I then spent FAR too long building this. Interiors next!


The life of a frigate captain

I just love how your frigate expeditions are having adventures worthy of Star Trek while you do mundane stuff like base-building and resource-gathering.

And when they hand in their report, you just skim it quickly and move on to the next report.

Frigate captain, pulling up his mission report: “While on a pirate-hunting patrol, we resolved a hostage situation and turned in the criminals to the local authorities, netting us 350,000 units. But then a system-wide civil war broke out, so we helped one side win and they rewarded us with some Vy’keen effigies. We then invested in the system’s recovering industry and turned a profit of 407%. Afterwards, we warped to the next system just in time to witness a supernova up close, allowing us to gather valuable data about–“

Me, a billionaire, busy building my luxurious base on a nice tropical planet: “Yeah, yeah, whatever, dump it all over there.”

submitted by /u/-Guardsman-
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Gekham City

6 neighborhoods, a few shops that are closed or open depending of day or night. Be careful while visiting as it is a maximum build so loading might take a little time between floors and neighborhoods submitted by /u/City_Mad_Archite…

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Just a quick check...

Before I sack this lot, is there a way I can transfer these guys to another player? They took a bit of work to get and it seems like a waste to just have them disappear. Any ideas? submitted by /u/mildlyalarmingdave [link] […

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