NMS HOT POST 2023/09/23

How to own a Titan-sized Wyrm … and become a God

How to own a Titan-sized Wyrm … and become a God

The Emergence expedition Sandworm companion is very large at 1 m diameter. It’s one of the best companions to own … flies fast and very responsive. Still some Travellers yearn to master a Titan wyrm (the ones that explode from planet surfaces in majestic gargantuan glory). You can own / make a true Titan wyrm (10 m diameter) yourself, and an hour ago I did … but it froze my game completely (new PS5). I didn’t have the patience to see how many minutes it would take to render. I scaled back to 7 m and it took 1 min to render during summon …but afterwards I could feed it, ride it, etc. Still not practical so I scaled back further to 5 m and it only takes 5-10 sec to render when summoned. Not a smooth summon but you still have something I consider big enough to be a “titan” wyrm and you can interact with it. This is a pic of my 5 m “Titan Plated Wyrm”.

​To own one yourself Google “NMS Service App”. Select “Pet Egg Delivery”. Put in your friend code, etc. Add the bot as your friend. Choose “flying snake” under creature type. Put in seed code: 0x184C5DAD8F4C6940. Make the scale 5 (you can go up to 10 … but your game will stall trying to render that Planetoid beast). Click create ticket. Take that code and put it in the nms-service-bot chat box at the Discord site “No Man’s Sky Creative & Sharing Hub”. You need to be in the Anomaly with MP enabled during this … also make sure the Anomaly is close to the space station. The service bot will join your group. Immediately fly out of the Anonaly, wait a few secs for the service bot ship to appear in space and then fly as close to it as possible. Keep flying close to the bot ship until it drops the egg into your inventory. Enjoy being a Wyrm God!

Helps if you register a Discord account first 😆 Here’s an invite link to the Discord site:


(I did not have anything to do with the creation of this Service App … I stumbled across it … and share it with you. If you have trouble please read pinned notes and information on the Discord site. The egg delivery does work and so does item delivery, and location transfer. Ship delivery usually works well for Utopia Speeder and the Golden Vector. The creator is truly amazing and even better stuff is coming very soon from them)

submitted by /u/Arcane_Traveller
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit



I am absolutely blown away by how good this runs on Switch

I’ve got about 2000 hours between Xbox and PC. I bought the Switch version on launch and it was so-so. I mean I didn’t really expect MUCH in the way of performance.

Must have been one of the recent updates, but holy HELL how did the developers do this!? Between game engine optimization and the raw talent of the HG team, I am beside myself.

I don’t want to reach too deep into my pocket full of dreams but I hope Light No Fire comes to Switch as well. I was literally about to sell my OLED last week until I fired up NMS again.

submitted by /u/WoodenTeef
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