
What is the fastest planetary speed possible?

What is the fastest planetary speed possible?

I’ve reached 900 with

  • S class interceptor with a square supercharged slot
  • 8 phase engine modules
  • power diverted to engines
  • boost active


Asking to see if I am near a reasonable maximum, or if someone was legitimately able to get much higher.

Seems the base speed of my interceptor is 148, not sure if that is per ship type or is random.

submitted by /u/SkyHiRider
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This Ain't Fortnite, Bucko -- A Cautionary Tale for Little Interlopers

I started Expedition 2 today, and I’d just repaired my ship when I saw someone else spawn on the planet. I thought I’d welcome him with some starting-out resources, so I flew over, walked up to my fellow interloper and gave a wave and a thumbs-up.

He shot me in the face until I was out of sight.

My flabbergasted friends, behold a dude with no ship, no exocraft, no resources, and he attacks a friendly traveler like me… when I’m standing next to a starship with rocket launchers.

…Poor guy never saw it coming.

Here’s hoping he learns some jolly cooperation soon! 🙂

submitted by /u/SeenAGreatLight
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Do you guys really prefer the old terrain (Pre-NEXT)?

I see a lot of people saying that before NEXT the terrain was better but I kinda like the terrain more now than before, the old terrain generation maybe was more varied but I think it looks way better and prettier now, I played a lot of the old NMS and I really didn’t liked much the terrain at the time, I remember a lot people complained about it too even before NEXT and Atlas Rises.

If they are going to do a reset to the terrain I would like if they keep the terrain that already exist and also add a way to allow the old ones to form as well, or do something that mix both terrains or something completely new.

submitted by /u/SadCupcake7000
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Help me please, I can’t find anything on the remembrance terminal online or any guides that are after the recent update. My problem is I can’t find the remembrance terminal in an abandoned space station. Does anybody have any idea where to find i…

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Colossus interior

Long ago, the first time I came across one I made my mission to get it as soon as possible and to build my mobile base on wheels. The instant I did, I discovered no interior, no decorations and no mobile home. At that moment, my disappointment wa…

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Taking base decorations...

While visiting other people’s bases, I’ve noticed that certain decorations can be taken. If I do, will I be stealing from that person?

Edit: I want to be explicitly clear: I am NOT going around stealing from other people. I am not that kind of player. I am merely asking if it is a bug that I am able to pick up certain decorations on an otherwise uneditable base, and if I do pick up said item, would it disappear from their base and be effectively stolen. I apologize if my wording has triggered people, I was just looking for information, not a moral debate.

submitted by /u/Amazing_Abrocoma
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