NMS HOT POST 2024/01/23

TIL – Tornados are a thing

Building a base on some planet I thought was cool and get the usual ‘incoming storm’ which I’m prepared to weather- the ion batteries and plenty of O2. I just keep building when I get a second ‘incoming storm’ or something like that. Next thing I know my guy is being whipped around in the air, flung into rocks and the ground, down to my last health bar. Lucky there was water nearby and I kinda just jet packed and crashed my out of it. This ever happen to anyone else?! Wish I got a video of it.

submitted by /u/CityBuild
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


I doubt Sean Murray or Hello Games would see this, but thank you

Your hard work, dedication and clear love for the product you’re building is really heartwarming.

I’ve actually been enjoying this game since 2016 but couldn’t say that publicly online without getting hate from strangers on the Internet, a similar thing happened this year with Cyberpunk.

So to see everyone finally celebrating this game and how great Hello Games and Sean are is a really amazing feeling.

Obviously there will always be the rotten eggs who’ll continue to hate, but I hope they know that the vast majority of us really appreciate the effort they’ve put into improving NMS.

Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/Cezkarma
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続きを読む シェア

In what type of area did you place your main base? (Not talking about biomes)

In what type of area did you place your main base? (Not talking about biomes)

I zoomed out as far as I could.

Of course you can tell your biome, but this is about the type of area you put your base in. The questions below should clarify what I mean:

On an island far out in the ocean? On the shore? On a mountain? Deep underwater? In a cave? In a cave underwater? On the side of a volcano? In orbit? On your freighter? In a large tree (treehouse)?

I’m currently near the shore, next to a small lake and a larger one, between a bunch of natural bubbles, trees and bushes (some I planted myself), on bioluminescent grass. It’s a very idyllic and soothing place on a paradise planet and I love it. I’m totally alone, no Sentinels and not even land animals. But I plan to move to my own personal island soon, preferably with a pond in the middle (wish we could build our own ponds and lakes).

submitted by /u/SquareFroggo
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続きを読む シェア


Do you guys really prefer the old terrain (Pre-NEXT)?

I see a lot of people saying that before NEXT the terrain was better but I kinda like the terrain more now than before, the old terrain generation maybe was more varied but I think it looks way better and prettier now, I played a lot of the old NMS and I really didn’t liked much the terrain at the time, I remember a lot people complained about it too even before NEXT and Atlas Rises.

If they are going to do a reset to the terrain I would like if they keep the terrain that already exist and also add a way to allow the old ones to form as well, or do something that mix both terrains or something completely new.

submitted by /u/SadCupcake7000
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Help me please, I can’t find anything on the remembrance terminal online or any guides that are after the recent update. My problem is I can’t find the remembrance terminal in an abandoned space station. Does anybody have any idea where to find i…

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Colossus interior

Long ago, the first time I came across one I made my mission to get it as soon as possible and to build my mobile base on wheels. The instant I did, I discovered no interior, no decorations and no mobile home. At that moment, my disappointment wa…

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