NMS HOT POST 2024/02/7

I died

So last night I fell asleep playing the game. This morning I turned the ps4 on and the game was already on, my player was next to my base and a grave was floating next to me. When I fell asleep I was far from base. My guess is I respawned at my base and died again, because when I picked up grave nothing was returned to my inventory. This is my first time dying and I’m wondering if I can retrieve my inventory from the first death or if it’s gone forever

submitted by /u/zleepywiz
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Source: No Man's Sky | Reddit


NEXT PATCH 1.53 | 日本語パッチノート

BUG FIXES 貨物船の特定のセーブ問題の影響を受けたプレイヤーのセーブデータの復元 読み込み中に時々白い画面がクラッシュするのを修正 フリゲートが損傷した状態を正しく報告していないことを修正 チュートリアルの「ワープドライブを燃やす」段階でプレーヤーをブロックする可能性のある問題を修正 クリエイティブモードで破損した船のスロットを修復するための修正 エキソクラフトレーザー損傷の改善 旋回、ジェットパック、およびオブジェクト上に立っている間のアニメーションの改善 安定性を向上させるメモリの最適化 ミッションハン…

続きを読む シェア

Anyone else find this game additive to a negative degree?

Firstly I just want to make it clear I am *not* accusing Hello Games of any devious intent here, I consider them absolutely one of the good guys of the gaming industry with the level of support they have given the game over the years!

However…. there is something about this game that I just cannot put my finger on. I will mindlessly grind for hours on end achieving absolutely nothing, feel angry with myself about it (to the extent I have deleted the game multiple times) then go back for more the very next day.

It’s like I have the desire to find the perfect ship, but then there is nothing to do with it other than the few random encounters that are the same wherever you might encounter them. Or I will look for the perfect Capital ship and accumulate a fleet of 30 living frigates only to then send them on missions to retrieve a trivial amount of resources that I didn’t need in the first place. Or I will system jump for hours at a time looking for a perfect planet, convincing myself that it’s not a waste of time because I can also check the Space Station for multitools while I am at it (see, killing 2 birds with 1 stone, totally not a waste of time!).

Seriously I don’t want to sound like I am hating on the game, I think they have done a fantastic job – but something about it has triggered an extremely bitter-sweet response in me. Maybe I have some type of undiagnosed condition like OCD or something that this game taps into…

Anyone else feel the same way?

submitted by /u/EerieHaze420
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続きを読む シェア

Anyone realize how unusual this update dropped?

No trailer yet, it released unannounced all at different times, no official patch notes even with the update being out now. It all just seems very off compared to how they have always dropped updates. Also 6 months for only an expedition is unheard of and I’ve been here since NEXT released for Xbox.

Since we don’t have official patch notes, I wonder if Sean is possibly hiding something either for tomorrow or whenever the Omega Expedition starts or ends.

I could just be getting my hopes up and this update really is just an Expedition and some other small stuff, but idk. It all just seems off to me.

submitted by /u/LogiBear2003
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Stranded on a planet

So i went through one of the glyph portals and it was weird to start, it didn’t ask me for glyphs it just opened so i thought why not and went through. It spit me out on a desolate planet out of range of my ship and I can’t open the build menu. I’ve be…

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